1. Upon independence, all U.S. Military forces will close their bases on Cascadian territory and pullout by a particular deadline in the event of independence. All vacated bases will be under review to determine their future use.

2 . Upon independence, the Republic of Cascadia is to have a policy of non-alignment. Meaning no military intervention unless it's in the defense of our territory.

3. Upon independence, the Republic of Cascadia is to have a defense force that consists of a standing Army, Navy, and Air Force as well as reservists for all branches. Service to the Cascadian Defense Forces would be voluntary to all men and women from 18 and up.

4. Cut annual military spending to that of the spending of Portugal which is about $1.6 Billion (US). The U.S. government spends almost $300 Billion (US). Money that could be better spent on other things like education.

5. The main priorities of the Cascadian Defense Forces would be to defend the Republic of Cascadia against any outside armed aggressors and the preparation of it's implementation when called upon by the government in it's assessment of the defense and security environment. The Defense Forces will also be used to aid local powers when called upon in emergencies natural and man-made to ensure the security and safety of the people of Cascadia. To also patrol the land, air, and sea to maintain the security of the country. The Cascadian Defense Forces can also be called upon in the event of search and rescue, protection of our fishery industry, official government air transportation and other essential services.

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