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My Favorite things about life:

My Favorite Web Sites

Graphics, backgrounds, etc.

New Page 1

Hello and welcome to the beginning of my site!

I am not exactly sure what type of stuff I will be putting on this page but I hope you will like it! I am not great at HTML so don't ask me questions about how to use it. I am putting a couple of cute images on this site since I always enjoy looking at funny pictures...

This is just a little piccy of my all time favorite movie. I think the movie would be rated 10/10. It is hilarious! I think everyone should watch it since it is the funniest movie of all time! Trust me! n_n

This picture below I think is the cutest picture ever made by Neopets. I love it, the Harris' are so adorable and the faerie looks so pretty...

I think this is the cutest Baby Neopet ever made! I really like it! It is so cute! n_n

This is an image I made when I felt like it. If you can't tell... its a dolphin!