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Scene opens in the WXWF Arena...
The Arena is packed with a "sold out" crowd of cheering fans and Fred Kaos and Mike Savage are commentating at ringside.

Savage: Hello everybody and welcome to another edition of WXWF Television. Tonight we have a slobber knocker of intense matches for you. Isn't that right Kaos?
Kaos: That's right Savage! For instance, we have the current Hardvision Champion Kenny Ifrit Douglas taking on the Reigning United States Champion Cyrus "The Virus" Cage in a best out of 3 falls non-title match.
Savage: We also have Arachnid vs Bob Van Damm and Disturbed vs Rob "Cool Red" Hawk.
Kaos: Yeah those are all good matches, but none of them top our main event, The Reigning Ultimate Champion Larry Linford vs The Intercontinental Champion Hellbound in a non-title Cell Match. Shall we get things started Savage?

Before Mike Savage can answer "Violence Fetish" by Disturbed hits the PA System, green sparks begin flying up from center stage, and the words "Hardcore Enigma" begin flashing on the Titantron in big green text. Suddenly an unknown superstar to WXWF comes out onto the stage, stands withing the sparks and begins taking a long look around the arena as the fans begin chanting his name.
Kaos: Who the HELL is that Savage?
Savage: I don't know Kaos, but obviously the wrestling fans out there do. It sounds like they're chanting the name Big J!

Big J makes his way down the ramp, rolls into the ring, and pulls a mic out of his back pocket. He stares into the vast wave of fans waiting for the loud cheering to simmer down.
Big J: From the sounds of this arena the WXWF Fans obviously know who I am, but for those who don't I'm here to introduce myself. The name is Big J and I am THE HARDCORE ENIGMA and for those of you who don't realize the meaning, I live for blood, sweat, and smashing bones with any kind of foriegn object I can take advantage of. I'm a multiple champion from other well established federations, but now that I am here none of that matters. What does matter is that I'm here to make an impact and I've already chosen my first target, the Hardvision Championship. I issue a challenge to Slayer, whom as of tonight won the championsip at Madness, to defend his title against me at Retribution. Come on out Slayer, I want an answer or are you scared to take on the FNG?
Big J awaits for Slayer to answer him...