Chris, click here for the Andean New Age Download!


Here's to summer...

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Recent Headlines:

*I can't wait to see the Gonzagans again, even the Canadians, har har!!!!
*Everyone should send Veronika( a really funny eGreeting card because she's been sickly lately
*All homies from last year are invited to visit me either in 416 or in 316 in DeSmet this year, we'll see where I end up
*If anybody is planning on bringing power tools for building a loft to school please drop me a line!

see old headlines

Gonzaga's Unofficial Events and News

Super Links...

Veronika's Happy lil site! The famous CheezeWhiz Artists' site On the Contrary, a great Walla Walla collection of musical artists, who perform in harmony
Galaxcism or something odd like from the mind of Ted A Site I was forced to make This band was the best band ever
Give it some love it was the best mobile ever made, the '85 4 runner The grand site of Timmay The Boss' Page
This site is very handy for GU students JOE D., need I say more

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