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Mark house number on the work sheet before approaching the door. Knock on the door of each occupied house on the blocks assigned to you. Remember to be pleasant and smile!

Good morning, my name is ___________________ and I’m a Republican volunteer.


We are conducting a survey, and would like to ask you a few questions.

1) Are you a registered voter at this address? Check: YES _____ NO ______

2) Do you consider yourself to be: 

Republican ________ 

Democrat ________

Independent ________



Only if answer if REPUBLICAN do you continue on to questions 3 and 4:

3) Are there any others at this address 18 years of age or older who are NOT registered to vote?

If answer is yes, print the names of the unregistered voters on the sheet next to the house number.

4) Would you like to do any volunteer work for the Republican Party?

If answer is yes, mark as volunteer next to name.

5) May I give you some information about the Republican Party?

Thank them as you leave and give them a copy of the Party information handout.