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School Daze

(For Kris)

This morning I woke to an alarm
That sounded remarkably like a school bell,
Oh yes, it's mid-September again…
Bid vacation a fond farewell.
Pack my lunch and ingenuity
Into my brand new briefcase,
To journey where no one has journeyed before,
Into intergalactic cranial space!
I'll peer into a classroom of summer-washed faces,
And smile at my Master's degree…
All Yoda-like, I'll instruct those kids,
(Some who will be smarter than me.)
I'll attend seminars and conferences,
And work a half a day,
(And for some of those twelve hours
I'll be working without pay.)
I'll assign the dreaded homework,
And send one or two to stand in the hall,
And there will always be at least one
Who is tardy, and misses roll call.
But some will lead a nation,
(Okay, maybe a large company.)
And they'll all be lifelong learners,
Because their education is up to me.
And what I am reaching for,
Is for those reaching out to know
How to spell “parallelogram”
And what makes a firefly glow.
Well, I'd better lay my pencil down,
Put the last touches on this alphabet stew…
Now where'd I set my red ink pen?
I've got grading to do!

* de - august 2001