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I've watched a lazy sun ascend in the pale Pacific sky
I've tasted the sweet morning island rain
And dreamed of paradise while paradise was mine
I've watched sea turtles glide on cresting waves
And birds fly 'cross an azure sky
I've stood on the edge of a crater of fire
Witnessed steam billow as molten lava met ocean tide
My feet have felt the rhythm of island legend
Pulsing in the cinder desert land
And I've watched the precise shape of palm fronds dance
In a warm trade-wind on a beach in the sun
I've inhaled the rich fragrance of tradition
In a fertile bounty of native crops
And I've walked on a craggy crust of lava
To stroll along a thunderous, crashing coastline
I've listened to rain beat on glistening palm leaves
And buried my toes in burnished black sand
My eyes, in darkness, have literally stargazed
at a boundless sky twinkling with light
I’ve seen afternoon shadows fall softly across sacred ground
And I've watched a balmy sun descend in the pale Pacific sky