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Grow Old

I want to grow up and old with you,
Watch hollyhocks shoot to the sky and sunflowers drop seeds.
I want to walk with you thru dappled shadows of river birches
And weeping willows,
Sit contentedly beside you on a weathered park bench.
I want to watch storm clouds roll up the mountainside
And catch the glint of lightning in your eye.
I want to call you at work on a late November afternoon,
Just to whisper the words "I love you."
I want to feel the warmth of your hand thru a woolen mitten
At midnight as the winter's first snowfall dusts your hair white.
I want to curl into the small of your back at three a.m.
On a cold January morning,
And wrap a lazy hand easily around your waist
Without your stirring.
I want to sit next to you on the couch, right next to you,
With a heart-shaped box of chocolates.
(Poking the centers of your favorite ones)
I want to watch your bangs sweep in the wind on the beach,
Taste the ocean salt on your skin.
I want to splash shamelessly with you in swollen puddles
Like small children in rubber galoshes.
I want to pick tiny yellow buttercups on the hillside
Near my hometown,
And kiss them playfully to your chin.
I want to sit on a creek bank, holding a pole
And the sun tanning your skin a golden brown.
I want to lie under a blanket of milky stars with your hand resting
Gentle on my heart…
I want to grow up and old with you,
Watch hollyhocks shoot to the sky and sunflowers drop seeds.

* de - october 2000 (revised)