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Wyoming Area Kiwanis
(Iodine Deficiency Disorder)


Why do we need iodine?

Iodine is essential for life. It enables the thyroid gland to produce the hormones needed to develop and maintain the brain and nervous system. When the levels of thyroid hormone fall, the heart, liver, kidneys, muscles, and endocrine system are all adversely affected. It results in mental and physical retardation, goiters, cretinism, reproductive failure, infant mortality, and socioeconomic stagnation.

Who is affected?

An estimated 1.5 billion people in at least 110 countries are threatened by iodine deficiency. This represents nearly 30 percent of the world's population.

What is needed to help someone from being affected by this disorder?

It takes ONE TEASPOON OF IODINE consumed over a lifetime in tiny amounts every day to prevent Iodine Deficiency Disorders. By adding iodine to ordinary table salt (like what is done here in the US), supplemented with iodized oil capsules in certain areas, we can virtually eliminate this problem.

What is Kiwanis doing about the problem?

Since 1915, Kiwanians have worked together to improve the lives of millions of people. More recently, "Young Children Priority One" (YCP1) has led to unprecedented support for children's health and welfare. Now in concert with United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Kiwanis has the opportunity to resolve a devastating children's health issue and give young people around the world a future filled with hope and promise. Our goal is eliminate this disorder by the year 2000.

What can I do?

There are many things you can do to help. For one, join your local Kiwanis Club and offer your talents in the fight against I.D.D. Or, you can simply attend those events being conducted by your local Kiwanis Club. It takes as little as 5 cents to help someone from being affected, or to help someone already suffering from I.D.D. Do what you can and the world will be a better place for the world's children.


12/06/00 02:06 PM