Midnight Sunlight

A web ring for the freaks, weirdos, and mentally deranged.
Ring Mistresses: Dallandra and Lilah

***Due to Yahoo's takeover of Webring (YAHOO SUX), we are experiencing some techinical difficulties. But don't fret, you can still join. Although they have these hideous little navigation bars for us to use, we will disregard these. They allow for little originality. poo. So, just do as you would before, and do the copying and pasteing of the codes and pics. ;)

Part One: Is Your Site up to Snuff?

I have a few simple requirements, but let me say this: I am selective, at least to some degree, but I won't reject your site on the basis of personal dislike.

  1. you must have a website. (given)
  2. **you have to prove to me that you put effort into your page somehow....i don't just want a page full of links. i don't mind fanpages as long as it's not boring and mundane....and i don't mind TyPiNg wEirD... do what you want, do what you will....i just wanna see EFFORT!
  3. **absolutely positively no homophobia at all, no porn, no racism.....keep it appropriate, alright?
  4. i don't care if you're a "teenie", because i occasionally find myself liking a britney spears or christina aguilera song....and i do like hanson so...be a teenie if your heart desires. just see #2, okay? (That was Lilah admitting her occasional like of the britney, Dallandra would just like to point out ;)
  5. i hate pop-up ads....but i don't mind if you have them so don't worry about it. if your site has pop-ups it's okay.
  6. **upload the images to YOUR site, pleeeze. im sure you know the drill. but i will check it out, and you will NOT be added if you link your image directly to my site....okay? first of all, it slows my page considerably if you do. second, i could change them at any time and you'd be left with a broken image and we don't want that.
  7. ***some sort of originality is always nice, whether it be art, poetry, fiction, personal thoughts, photos, or just a really cool layout. SOMETHING!!
  8. if you meet at least the starred ones, move right along! it's just a hop, skip an' a jump til you're in!!!

Step Two: Submit your junk!!

Your URL doesn't necessarily have to be on the same page as the ring graphic, but make sure the link to the page with it on it is easily accessable. You have a week to get the graphic up, although I have no idea why it would take so long.

You can either submit your site here or you can do it here.

Submit site to Midnight Sunlight
Site URL:
Site Name (fewer than 50char):
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Step Three: (the fun part) Choosing Your Graphic and Copying and Pasting the HTML

WARNING: Save the pics to your own site!!! No bandwidth stealing!...I know where you live! :) If you're handy with graphics and wish to design your own, go for it. Just make sure you have the minimal links like a link to here, next, list, etc. I UPDATED THE LINKS! YAY! So PLEASE do not use the navigation bar that yahoo asks for cuz it's so ugly and mundane.

For those of you new to this, remember to fill in the YOUR NAME, YOUR EMAIL, and SITEID with the corresponding thingo. If you have any problems with the copying and pasting of the html, just email me, I don't bite. Oh, and I have authored an HTML tutorial on my site if it will help, here.

NOTE IMPORTANTE: Due to my laziness, I updated the HTML on the pages w/ the HTML, but *not* the actual HTML on this page. So when you go to get the HTML, don't just view source on this page. The examples are wrong.

1. Graphic one; The HTML

Midnight Sunlight
This Midnight Sunlight site owned by Dallandra, The Ring Mistress.
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2. Graphic Two; The HTML

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Midnight Sunlight: a ring for originals

3. Graphic 3; The HTML

Midnight Sunlight
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4. Graphic 4; THE HTML this one's for the nny fans..>)

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Midnight Sunlight: a ring for originals

6. Graphic 6; THE HTML

Midnight Sunlight
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You may use the same HTML with this graphic instead (make sure to change the image name):

Step Four: Questions/Ring "Hub"

If you have any questions or problems, feel free to email either of us (our addresses are at the top of the page). For reference the ring "hub" (what's with the name??) is here.

Ring Mistress Ring

This Ring Mistress Ring
site is owned by
Dalla and Lilah

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Sun Pic in Graphic Number 3 from Full Moon Graphics