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My story on pregnancy


NEW NEWS: I'm now ingaged to be married to a really great man that Treat's me great.I'll keep you all posted Well This is a story that is so true and it happends to most Teen's. It all started a year ago. I was tryig to make my x that left me for my best friend jelous. so I was sleeping with all of his friends. Well a month before Christmas I ended up pregnant. My Father was pissed. the guy took off and still will hardly talk to me. I was only 17 and still living at home. no money and still in high school.what was I to do. I wanted the child more than anything but my father and soon to be step mom thought that they would be stuck taking care of my baby. well I went to the Dr.'s and my father came with when I had the ultra sound done and saw the egg that would soon be my baby I started to cry. the dr.asked me what I wanted to do. before I could say anything my father butted in and said get rid of it. I was devistated. any ways, the dr. did a planned mis carge on me. the first time didn't work and my baby was barly alive it had masive brain damage done. so I did what was best and had a second one done. The next week was Christmas and lets put it this way I'll never forget that day for the rest of my life. I was having that mis carege Christmas day and my father was at work I was all alone what would have happend to me if somthing went wrong. I was in so much pain I couldn't move eat or anything all I could do was sleep and cry, now I may never have the chance to be a mom for the rest of my life. The other bad thing about getting pragnant and still being in school is evry one finds out than your known as the prgnant girl I got teased so bad, my feelings hurt so bad that I didn't go to school for a month afterwards.if your a teen coming acrossed this page please think carfully about your actions, because I still think about my baby evry minute. I wouldn't evan be able to go see my friends or anything I would be taking care of a six month old child and I'm still a child myself. if you are planing of having kids or an abourtion you have to grow up fast, cause you have to deal with alot of emotional stress. If you ever need to talk to someone e-mail me and I'll try to give you advise.

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