You II
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You II

We’ve gone so far, been through so much
Still, everyday, I long for your touch.
Remember when I met you?
And could never forget you?
And from then on, wanted to protect you?

When I first laid eyes on you, your eyes
They caught me, trapped me,
And imprisoned me in such a way
That I’d wish never to be set free
Blue pools that I’d swim forever

I’d look at you, you’d look at me
Then we’d smile
We’d smile smiles that revealed our affection for each other.
Yet they kept it a secret at the same time.

It’s funny
It’s funny how you have so much power over me
And have absolutely no inkling of it either
You could sadden or brighten my day
Just by the choice of tone you’d use to say
Anything, anything at all you could say
I’d be there listening, thinking...cherishing...

Pursue you and triumph over this obstacle I will do
Even if I don’t succeed in fulfilling my need for you,
The thought of giving up on you shames me.
Degrades me
And most of all
Saddens me

So, never
Never will I give up
So close we have gotten, so far we have come
Never will I be done,
And loving...

Ryan Hane