Why Me?
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Why Me?

Why am I...
The way that I am?
Why do I...
Do what I do?

I can’t answer these questions
How can I expect others to know?
No one is perfect they say
I’m not even close to perfect, I’m the farthest away.

A second chance people are willing to give
I have used up more than my fair share
How many more are they going to give?
When will I learn to change my ways?

People say “just be yourself.”
So that’s what I am
And then they don’t like the “real me.”
Then they say “why don’t you stop that stupid shit?”

So I am caught in this never-ending circle
“No ones perfect.””Be Yourself.””Stop that shit.”
As I run this. over and over, in my mind
I finally realize, that I am a mistake.

Put here for only one reason, which is to be...
Another statistic for teenage suicide.
This reason may be enough for some people
But for me...I ask only one question “why me?”

Ryan Hane