Thoughts of You
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Thoughts of You

Thoughts of you invade my mind
from them I cannot escape
though I try so hard not to think
I can't seem to erase the tape
I run it over and over inside my head
the time we had together the fun and laughter and even the tears
those memories I can't seem to shed
I wonder what it is your doing now
and if you think of me at all
I just sit here and keep wondering if you will ever call
My love for you has not faded or dimmed
inside my heart the feelings we shared are still so strong
I don't even know where to start to live
in this world without you
I am lonelier than you can know
I never really expected,, that you would ever go
The pain I feel I can't express in words
to let you know just what knowing you has meant to me
and how much I loved you so
Now it's time to move on and continue this life
I made although without you,, it will never be the same
For the part of me I gave to you, is gone forever
now it is yours to keep
and with you it shall always remain
I hope one day that you will look back
and remember who I am
with only the fondest of memories of the times we both have shared
I will always wonder if we had met in another moment in time
before we belonged to others,,
if we could have walked a different line
I guess it will be left to ponder
because we will never know if the seeds were planted in another place,
if ever they would have grown

Ryan Hane