Goodbye to Love
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Goodbye to Love

Say goodbye to me and let me go
Feel me slip through your fingers
Away, never to be known by you
Close your eyes and see images of me

Try to sleep but see me in your dreams
Walk away but hear my footsteps
Take your heart from me and have no where to put it
Pull your hand away, empty, dangling there

Wipe the tears from your cheek to feel another
Look for me in every face and crown and eye
Long for me and try to feel the emptiness you feel
Reach out for me and see a spectre dissapear

This is a goodbye to love
This is goodbye to us
This is goodbye to me

Do you feel that pain that stabs your heart?
That pain is your goodbye
It's not an ache I feel alone
But one you will feel too

Don't say goodbye but hold on tight
Let nature take its course
Never to feel the sting of lonliness
I could be forever yours

Ryan Hane