Can't Get You Out of my Mind
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Can't Get You Out of my Mind

I must have lost my mind,
I really think it's true
Because a day doesn't go by that I don't think of you
And I know I really shouldn't, I mean it really isn't right
To think the things I'm thinking day and night
I try to put you out of my mind
But you sneak back in time after time
Edging your way into my dreams and such
Encouraging these thoughts that torment me so much
Why do I feel such a strong desire?
Is there any way to put out these fires?
I long for a day that we could share
To be close to you and feel you there
Your gentle hand as it brushes my cheek
Seeing the smile in your eyes as we speak
Hearing your laugh that I always love to hear
All your words more poetic that rhymes
Longing to pull you close and let you feel my heart beating
To kiss you then would make even an eternity seem fleeting
It's happening again, can't you see
These feelings are taking over me
Lost in my daydreams more often than not
What was I doing?...
I almost forgot
Yes, I really think
I'm losing my mind
Because it's always you time after time
The hero in every book I read
In every play you take the lead
Each stranger's face reminds me of you
Oh, what is this helpless heart supposed to do?
Hearing your name is like a melody
If only you'd accompany me
A duet in which the music never ends
A song of lovers and friends
So if I seem a little out of touch
Just remember this heart that feels so much
Needs a moment to settle down
Because it beats a little faster when you're around.

Ryan Hane