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Annual Fishing Trip 2003

Welcome to my Annual Fishing Trip page!
For the past 20 years or so, we have been going to
Blue Lake for the opening day of fishing season. My
husband and I used to go with friends, then as our children
were born, our parents started going with us. Eventually
our aunts, uncles, cousins and some of their friends started
joining us. Each April, our "group" which numbers over 30,
heads to Blue Lake, located in Eastern Washington. The scenery
is beautiful, with numerous coulees and lakes that were carved
out by the ice-age floods. The fishing is great, the weather
usually cooperates and we have become accustomed to the
frequent winds that roar through the area! We always have
a lot of fun while we are there and look forward to seeing
Jeff (owner), his brother Steve and his dogs!

See my vacation page to see summer fun at Blue Lake!

The Blue Lake Resort store is the first thing
you see as you pull in. You'll always
find a smiling face to greet you inside!

Blue Lake and the areas around it make for some
very scenic views and beautiful pictures.

Our cocker spaniels, Barney and Sadie watch
as a fish is caught. They love being in the boat!

Members of the Yantis and Isaacson
families prepare to go fishing.

Dayne, my dad and my cousin's husband, Dave
are probably swapping fish stories!

John and Bruce hold up their stringers of
fish. Looks like they caught their limits!

Cory and his friend Kurt are trying out the
fishing in a different part of the lake.

One of the cabins at Blue Lake was the location for
a surprise shower for my cousin Todd's fiancee,
Rhonda. From left to right are, my Aunt Dolores,
friend Judy, my Mom (Aileen), my cousin Debbie,
my Aunt Alyce (future mother in law of Rhonda),
the bride to be, Rhonda, Vicci, and myself (Sue).

Cory, Allyson and Kurt sit around the campfire.

Friends and family enjoy the evening,
sitting around the campfire.

Gary, Dayne and Todd enjoying some beer and
laughs while sitting around the campfire.

Another picture of the lake with the
reflection of the clouds in the water.

Kelsey waves goodbye as she and Cory
leave in the boat to do some fishing.

Kelsey stands over Barney and Sadie as they
balance tennis balls on their noses!

My cousin Jeff, with his wife Vicci
who is holding their dog, Molly.

My dad waves at us as we head out to
see if the fish are still biting.

My mom, her sister, Alyce and husband Roger
chat while enjoying some time around the campfire.

Cory and Kelsey decide to try some
night fishing from our campsite!

The cousins and their friends, pose for a group
photo before everyone had to leave for home.

Kelsey had been at a Jazz Competition for
the first few days of our trip. Her group
placed first! Dayne picked her up and brought
her back to join us at Blue Lake. Here
she is strumming on her bass guitar under an
unique looking tree at our campsite.

Cousins Allyson and Kelsey take time out
for one last picture before leaving for home.

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Click on the links below to visit my other pages!

Christmas 2000 My Parents
Golden Anniversary
Our Vacation 2001
Cory's 4 Wheelin'
Family Care
Snow Day
Kelsey's Gymnastics
Silver Anniversary
Annual Fishing Trip

For more information about Blue Lake, click
on the link below to go to their official web site!
Blue Lake Resort