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Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Sharon, I'm married, and reside in northwest Washington state. I enjoy chatting on AOL's Instant Messenger under the screen name of SWindRider. (In case you're wondering, it is for my love of sailing!) I have pictures, would you like to see a few? I thought that might be why you were looking here in the first place. You know... see if this person sending you a message is worth responding to! LOL Enjoy my page... See ya online.

From My Vacation

I took a bus trip across the US and one of the places I visited was the zoo! Ya, you might think I'm a little old to get excited over going to a zoo, but I had a lot of fun here, just the same. Here I am with one of my pals from the Fort Wayne Zoo... I know, which one is me, right? SORRY... NO clues! Hey, don't twist my arm so tightly... Alright a small clue. I'm wearing glasses.

Clowning Around

Clowning around is something my husband and I do together. I am basically his assistant, though I do a few gigs when he has other committments. We both do magic, juggling and balloon sculptures. He also does ventriloquism. Otherwise you can find me chatting... or enjoying the outdoors on my bike.

My Bike

Wow! Here it is, my Longbike "Eliminator" Recumbent. It seemed like it would NEVER get here. Oh, and yes, I'm the one on it... My husband and I have plans of riding off into the sunset, on our pair of Eliminators, to make a long loop around the US.

Hanging Out With Friends

Okay, so don't believe me, I know there aren't any friends in the picture, but they were there cause somebody had to take the picture!

Pictures From My Childhood

Sand Castles at Harrison Hot Springs, September 2000

Cute Story and Picture About Burglar

The West Coast By Recumbents, Spring 2001