This site is being remodeled. Deal with it.

What's here:
Things to do, see, eat, whatever. My own thoughts on what's worth the money.
Family Tree
Useful links, plus some of my own information for comparison, updated as I go.
Stuff I found funny. Most probably links, but I'll type in the good ones.
My personal favorites...teams, news, the occasional commentary....
Miscellaneous, potpourri, stuff on my mind. Enter at your own risk.

Stuff you'll never see here:
  • Dilbert. I don't know why, I just never got into it.
  • Stuff related to my job. Don't I do enough during the week?
  • My life story. If you want it, ask. I won't force it on you.
  • You know those chain letters and sappy stories that always end up in your e-mail? None of them. Ever.
  • Politicians. All of the candidates suck, and none of them will solve real issues. I will occasionally talk about political issues, however. And I encourage debate.
  • Golf. It's not a sport. Don't send angry messages, my justification is here.
  • School. As long as I'm still paying for it I choose to be bitter.

Prepared and maintained by Scott Tomren.
Last Updated March 5, 2000