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A Penny Stock Paid For My Boat!

My Secret?

I'm not a professional investor, and I never had a lot of money. All my working life I never earned more than a modest salary. However, I did have imagination, curiosity, and a retirement dream -- a sturdy saltwater boat for fishing and crabbing. My wife would laugh and roll her eyes....

Now I laugh while she rolls around the deck of our boat!!

Hi...My name is Bob Harrison. I'm here because I made $30,000 in a $3 stock, and I can show you how to do the same. How could an ordinary person with no special skills or training and only a modest investment make an incredible THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS PROFIT? (Pardon my exuberance!)

It happens, for those who know where and how to search for opportunities. Think about this: APPLE COMPUTER began in a garage, MICROSOFT on a kitchen table. Hordes of skilled professionals, downsized out of jobs by corporate cutbacks, have formed thousands of aggressive new companies...and more are being organized all the time!

Investors who know how to spot the winners buy in early. When it's time to sell, they make HUGE profits! This is how venture capitalists operate. You don't have to be a millionaire to think and act like a venture capitalist. A small investor can use the same principles, and be equally successful. That's how I found my success!

Do Venture Capitalists Buy Stocks Recommended By Advisors?

Not likely! They get their own ideas, do their own homework, and use their own screening systems -- and they keep it pretty simple. They find promising small new companies with unique ideas, and buy their stock at extremely low prices...lots of it!

These are the principles I used to hit what investing guru Peter Lynch calls a "tenbagger". This system is not complicated, not expensive, and actually reduces the dangers normally associated with low-priced stocks. I wouldn't risk my retirement savings, and neither should you.

Yes, I'm selling something -- my "back to basics" booklet for average investors who want to increase profit potential and reduce risk while investing in small new companies. For less than seven bucks I'll show you how to think like a venture capitalist!

Does This Require An Expensive Software Program?

No! This is a fairly simple, non-technical method that uses basic concepts, avoiding the need for complex computer programs. It makes stockpicking interesting and fun -- in fact, YOU DON'T EVEN NEED A COMPUTER! Skeptical? Well, consider this....

Millions of people made money in the stock market for decades before Jobs and Wozniak wandered out to play in the garage that rainy afternoon. Investors have been making money in stocks since the first day they gathered under the elm tree down on Wall Street, in old New Amsterdam.

Sure, a computer can be helpful, but most people depend too heavily on statistics. We investors have become so dependent on technology, we've traded "thinking" for "computing". I'll show you how to get your brain involved again!

How Can I Be Sure Your System Will Work For Me?

"Sure?" Well, there's no such thing as "sure" in investing, but I guarantee I'll give you the tools to go for your tenbagger. Just think about it:

* You don't need any special financial expertise. Start with a modest investment -- just like I did. If you can afford a vacation, you can take the first step toward your own tenbagger....

* Forget the gyrations of "the market"...ignore this week's hot picks from the "experts"...skip the "highly recommended" lists in those expensive newsletters....

* Why let some stranger pick your investments? Why be victimized by the insiders in big companies? Why be manipulated by a pump and dump hustler on the Internet? Become your own expert....

Learn How To Find High Potential Young Companies Yourself!

Here's a sample of what you'll read on page 5....

"There are three traits you'll need to be successful; vision, to recognize opportunity; patience, to stay with an investment while it matures; and courage, to sell when the time comes to sell."'s a compliment from a satisfied customer:

"I couldn't believe how quickly I understood this system.I applied it to my personal goals and interests, and it really worked. I told my friends about this booklet -- they like it too!"

- - - Fred Saltz, small business owner, New York

I don't recommend any stocks. I won't offer you any hot tips. I WILL show you every step in the process, from getting buy-in money right through knowing when to sell. There's not a lot of fluff -- no glitzy pictures -- no schmaltzy stories -- no "candles", "cup and saucer formations", or other overworked flim-flammery. All I'll give you is 21 pages packed with valuable information. I make every word count.

Here's a tip straight from page 11....

"Beware of information overload! Just because we're in the 'information age', don't be brainwashed into thinking that all information is valuable. This is simply nonsense...."

...and here's another reader's comment:

"What I really like about this method is that it's simple and flexible. I have my own style and worked on it when I had the time. Eventually I found a great investment. This is a good booklet -- and it's certainly the right price!"

- - - Lynn Arnett, nonprofit administrator, California

Hundreds of expensive books promote mysterious investing systems "discovered" by their authors. A multitude of pricey newsletters tell you their recommendations will make you rich. My booklet will simply give you the knowledge to make your own choices. You'll find out which special attributes those future winners have in common -- and you'll learn why they're important.

Your Best Chances For Big Profits Lie With Small Companies!

"Why buy now, stocks are so depressed?", you may ask. Precisely because now is an excellent time for "bottom fishing". You can bet the smart investors are quietly buying good prospects right now!

Someone recently asked me, "If you have such a good system for picking stocks, why are you selling booklets?"

A reasonable question...and this was my response:

"I'm an investor, not a trader. Once I've invested, all that's necessary is to monitor my stocks and wait for them to mature. I have plenty of time to write -- and to fish. I like to share what I've learned, and the booklets pay for gas for my boat!"

Here's how you can order this terrific 21 page booklet: Send your check or money order for US$7.00 (includes first class return postage), Canada US$8, all others US$10. Ask for the "stocks" booklet. Make your check payable to Bob Harrison, and mail to 2125 West 15th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98363. I guarantee your satisfaction! If you don't think you can succeed with this, simply return the booklet in 10 days for a full refund.

Here's A Bonus! With your booklet I'll include a personal note telling you what I believe will be the three hottest fields of the next decade. I've done my homework, and my confidence in the future of these technologies is so great that I'm fully invested in them myself!

Why hesitate? Order your booklet now...and GET STARTED!