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Sailing into Seattle

My chat room is called #seattle. Its one of the oldest chat rooms on the hub server, webnet. I started it in 97 out of boredom, and hoping to get some local ladies to go sailing with me, haha.

To join the chat room you have to be on an irc client. If you already are, then point your addy to server and join #seattle. If you dont know how to get on the internet relay chat sysytem, email me and I will help you with the downloads you need and how to configure them.

This chat room is mostly adults and is a bit flirty and gets downright raunchy sometimes. We let anybody in, and tone it down when the kiddies join, but most kids get bored and leave. Webnet has some of the most sophisticated spam and clone filters, so if your thinking of coming in and making a splash by spamming, cloning or flooding, you will be kicked before you even get in.

Drop by and join the rest of the crew in the channel, some are fun some are just confusing. But all are unique to webnet. When you come in the room look for MajYyk, thats me, ENFORCER or KELLYROSE. We will get you started on the irc road.

This page was last updated on : August 18, 2003

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