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Band Candy-The Zeppo

Band Candy

  • {34kb}
    Willow: I don't like this. They could have heart attacks.

  • {50kb}
    Willow: This is not normal. Maybe that goes without saying.

  • {18kb}
    Xander: The band, yeah. They're great. They march.
    Willow: Like an army. Except with music, instead of bullets. And usually no one dies.

  • {76kb}
    Buffy: Let's do the timewarp again.
    Willow: Maybe there's a reunion in town. Or a Billy Joel concert or something.


  • {72kb}
    Willow: Nothing. I'm just wondering. Gotta keep asking the big ol' questions when you're blessed with this girls' thirst for knowledge.

  • {178kb}
    Willow: You know. I always consider myself a good person. Floss, do my homework, never cheat. But lately, and please don't judge me on this, but I want you to be the first to know that, that…there's a demon behind you.

  • {61kb}
    Willow: Well, he saved me from a horrible flamey death. That sort of makes me like him again.

  • {83kb}
    Buffy: So, what were you saying?
    Willow: Oh….I….I opened my SAT test booklet five minutes early.

  • {52kb}
    Buffy: How long do you think that he can stay mad at me anyway?
    Willow: The emotional marathon man.

  • {175kb}
    Buffy: So, on a scale from one to a million, how much are you hating me right now?
    Willow: Zero! You were scared, you kept a secret, you know? But it's okay. Secrets aren't bad. They're normal. They're better than normal. They're good. Secrets are good.

  • {104kb}
    Willow: Buffy…I feel…when it comes to Angel, you can't see straight. And that's why we're all gonna help you face this.

  • {18kb}
    Willow: Shut up and help me!

  • {256kb}
    Buffy: Well now that my secret with Angel is all out in the open, I feel better.
    Willow: Well, sure you do! This big burden's been lifted. Keeping secrets is a lot of work…one could hypothetically imagine.
    Buffy: You have no idea.
    Willow: None whatsoever.

    Lovers' Walk

  • {160kb}
    Buffy: They're just test scored, right? What do they really mean, anyway?
    Willow: 1430! Buffy, you kicked ass!……..Okay, so academic achievement gets me a little excited.

  • {463kb}
    Willow: What's this?
    Oz: It's a gift.
    Willow: What's the occasion?
    Oz: Pretty much you are.
    Willow: Oh! It's a little, PEZ witch!
    Oz: It's kind of a theme present. Do you like it?
    Willow: I like….I-I more than like. Oz, this is probably the sweetes…We have to find a little PEZ werewolf! So little PEZ witch can have a boyfriend!
    Oz: I don't think they make a werewolf Pez. You might have to settle for a wacky cartoon doll.
    Willow: This is just so thoughtful.
    Oz: Well, I think about you.
    Willow: I don't have anything to give you.
    Oz: Yeah you do.

  • {248kb}
    Xander: Are you nuts? Or have you forgotten that I tend to have bad luck with these sorts of spells?!
    Willow: But you said that you wishes that these feelings would just go away!
    Xander: Yeah, I wish for a lot of things. I told you that I wished I was a fireman in sixth grade, but you didn't follow through on that!
    Willow: I can't do this anymore Xander. This whole us thing is... blah!
    Xander: So, do you really need to resort to the black arts to keep out hormones in check!
    Willow: At this point, I'm thinking no!

  • {57kb}
    Xander: Feather... and who will I be tickling?
    Willow: Shush.

  • {645kb}
    Willow: Something's gonna happen.
    Xander: Like what?
    Willow: It's a mistake. It's a terrible, fatal mistake. I see that now.
    Xander: It's just bowling.
    Willow: It's bad bowling. It's a double date, with all of us. They're gonna know.
    Xander: How are they gonna know?
    Willow: It's a very intimate situation. It's all sexy with smoke and sweating and shoe rental.
    Xander: You're turned on by renting shoes?
    Willow: That's not the issue.
    Xander: Okay, then let me ask you this, what are they gonna know? That we're friends. Old, old friends. And maybe we've had one or two indiscretions, but that's all past. Look, we're just very good friends who like to hang out and can I kiss your earlobe?
    Willow: No... well, okay. No! Pez!
    Xander: Maybe bowling might be too much to handle. Man! I wish I wasn't so attracted to you. I wish we could make it all stop.
    Willow: Any suggestions?

    The Wish

  • {58kb}
    Evil Willow: That's right, Puppy…Willow's gonna make you bark.

  • {21kb}
    Evil Willow: Bored now.

  • {450kb}
    Evil Willow: Bored now. Daytime's the worst. Cooped up for hours. Can't hunt. The Master said I could play. Isn't that fun puppy?…Aww. Puppy's being all quiet. Come on, don't be a spoiled sport.

  • {9kb}
    Willow: Darn tootin!

  • {34kb}
    Evil Willow: No fun. She didn't even hardly fight.

  • {9kb}
    Willow: Oz hasn't been to his locker. There may be books in there that he needs. But still, he doesn't come.

  • {17kb}
    Willow: Isn't he gonna go poof!

  • {21kb}
    Evil Willow: Uh oh…Puppy got out.

  • {51kb}
    Evil Willow: This is the part that's less fun….when there isn't any screaming.

  • {120kb}
    Willow: Oh God. Demon, demon. What kills a demon?
    Buffy: Knerf!!!!!
    Willow: Oh, knerf. Not knerf, knife!

  • {497kb}
    Willow: Oz, wait. Please? What I did... when I think that... I hurt you.
    Oz: Yeah, you said all this stuff already.
    Willow: Right, but I want to make it up to you. I mean, if you let me. I want to try.
    Oz: Just... you can leave me alone. I need to figure things out.
    Willow: But maybe if we talk about it, we could...
    Oz: Look, I'm sorry this is hard for you. But I told you what I need. So I can't help feeling like the reason you want to talk is so that you can feel better about yourself. That's not my problem.

  • {124kb}
    Willow: Oz, wow. Look at us. Running into each other as two people who go to the same school are so likely to do now and then.
    Oz: Hey.

  • {72kb}
    Xander: The deed is done.
    Master: You killed the girl who sought The Slayer.
    Xander: It was too easy.
    Willow: I felt cheap.


  • {55kb}
    Buffy: What are you doing for Christmas?
    Willow: Being Jewish. Remember, people? Not everybody worships Santa.

  • {941kb}
    Oz: Okay, the thing is... seeing you with Xander, it was... well, I never felt that way before... when there wasn't a full moon. But I know you guys have a history.
    Willow: But it's a history that's in the past. Well, I guess most history is in the past. But it's over.
    Oz: Well, I don't know. I don't know if it ever will be between you two.
    Willow: Oz, please believe me.
    Oz: This is what I do know. I miss you, like every second. Almost like I lost an arm, or worse, a torso. So, I think I'd be willing to give it a shot.
    Willow: Really?
    Oz: Yeah.
    Willow: Do you want us to hug now?
    Oz: Yeah, I'm good for that.

  • {203kb}
    Willow: Well, you know, we're alone, and we're both mature younger people, and, and so….w-we could….I-I'm ready to….w-with you. We could do that thing.

  • {50kb}
    Willow: It's perfect, in an awkward and uncomfortable sort of way.

  • {57kb}
    Xander: That's the Christmas spirit.
    Willow: Hello? Still Jewish. Hanukkah spirit, I believe that was.


  • {54kb}
    Willow:[coughs] Sorry. Phlegm. Too much dairy.

  • {39kb}
    Willow: Right. Absolutely. That's me. I'm a dabbler.

  • {56kb}
    Buffy: What is this?
    Willow: A doodle. I do doodle. You, too? You do doodle too?

  • {50kb}
    Willow: Mom, I'm not an age group. I'm me. Willow group.

  • {107kb}
    Willow: Grounded?! This is the first time I've ever done something you don't like and I'm grounded? I'm supposed to mess up. I'm a teenager, remember?

  • {464kb}
    Willow: No, mom! Hear this! I'm a rebel! I'm having a rebellion!
    Sheila: Willow, honey, you don't need to act out like this to prove your specialness.
    Willow: Mom, I'm not acting out. I'm a witch! I-I can make pencils float. And I can summon the four elements. Okay, two...but four soon. A-and I'm dating a musician.
    Sheila: Oh, Willow!
    Willow: I worship Beezlebub. I do his biddings. Do you see any goats around?! No! Because I sacrificed them!
    Sheila: Willow, please!
    Willow: All bow before Satan!
    Sheila: I'm not listening to this.
    Willow: Prince of night, I summon you! Come fill me with your black, naughty evil!
    Sheila: That's enough!

  • {219kb}
    Willow: You've seen what we can do! Another step and you will all feel my power!
    Buffy: What are you gonna do, float a pencil at 'em?
    Willow: It's really big power!
    Buffy: Yes, you will be turned into vermin! And some of you will be fish! Yeah! You in the back, will be fish!

  • {122kb}
    Buffy: She picked last night, of all nights, for a surprise bonding visit.
    Willow: God, your mom would actually take the time to do that with you?...That really wasn't the point of the story, was it?

  • {318kb} Willow: Let's do it. I think we got the mix of herbs right this time.
    Buffy: Okay, ready?
    Willow: Diana Hecate, I hereby liscense thee to depart. Goddess of creatures, great and small, I conjure thee to withdraw.
    Buffy: Maybe we should get her one of those wheel thingys.

  • {37kb}
    Willow: Yes. Strange. Witches.
  • {151kb}
    Xander: What a burn. Buff's mom was just starting to accept the whole Slayer thing and now she's gonna be double freaked.
    Willow: Makes me grateful that my mom's not interested in my extracurricular activities...or my curricular activities.


  • {127kb}
    Willow: Good! She loves her new excercise wheel. She runs around, her little nose wiggles...
    Buffy: I meant, how's it going changing her back into a human being?
    Willow: Oh. Still working on it. But I got her the cutest little bell...

  • {66kb}
    Willow: Well, it's just...I mean, he's been fired! He's, he's unemployed! He's...between jobs.

  • {24kb}
    Willow: Okay, but I'm writing an angry letter!

  • {72kb}
    Willow: Aha! A curse on Slayers! Oh no, wait. It's lawyers.

  • {72kb}
    Willow: I went to Snoopy On Ice when I was little. My dad took me backstage and I got so scared I threw up on Woodstock.

    The Zeppo

  • {46kb}
    Willow: Yeah, I'm fine. Th-the shaking is, is a side effect of fear.

  • {41kb}
    Buffy: Uh, what do we do with the trio here? Should we burn them?
    Willow: I've brought marshmallows.

  • {26kb}
    Willow: Occasionally, I'm callous and strange.

  • {164kb}
    Willow: And if it opens?
    Buffy: Do you remember the demon that almost got out the night I died?
    Willow: Every nightmare I have that doesn't revolve around academic failure or public nudity is about that thing. In fact, once I dreamt that it attacked me while I was late for a test and naked.

  • {182kb}
    Giles: All we know, the fate of the entire world rests on the...did you eat all the jellies?
    Buffy: Did you want jelly?
    Giles: I always have a jelly. I'm always the one that says "Let's have jelly in the mix."
    Willow: We're sorry. Buffy had three.

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