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It's party time !

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Becoming politically active is a great way to express your views, meet new people and have a lot of fun. The purpose of a party is to get enough people together with similar views in order to get candidates elected. Those involved in their party get to meet candidates months in advance of election season. Thus they have more influence as to who gets to be their party's nominee. In addition, you will have the opportunity to meet elected officials in your party and become aquainted with them. As they get to know you better, you will have a little more influence when you contact them on specific issues or legislation.

Purists, on the other hand, tend to become frustrated with party politics. Politics is the art of the possible. In order to get things done it is often necessary to compromise and take what you can get on a piece of legislation. Purists abhor compromise. If you concider yourself to be a purist or have more interest in advancing a particular cause than electing candidates, then you might be happier joining a Political Action Committee (PAC) or special interest group.

Whether or not you choose to join a political party, PAC or special interest group there are other ways you can get involved. They include working on a campaign, writing your elected officials about your view and writing letters to the editor of your local paper.

FAQ about politics:

What party am I?

How can I get involved in my party?

How can I get involved in a campaign?

How can I get involved in a special interest group?

How can I stay informed on political issues?

How do I contact my elected officials?

How do I get a letter to the editor in my local paper?

How do I decide who to vote for?

How do I register to vote?

Please note: Pages in this section that are intended to be non-partisan and objective in nature will have an American flag. Pages in this section that are intended to reflect my own Conservative Republican viewpoint will have a Republican flag or other icons.

Please E-mail me if you have any questions about politics.

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Copyright © 2000 by Phil Peretti. Permission granted to copy for personal use only. All other rights reserved.

This page last updated 7/8/2000.