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Clean, But Mean

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Hellen Keller

Q: How did Hellen Keller burn her fingers?

A: She was trying to read the waffle iron.

Q: Why is Hellen Keller's leg yellow?

A: Her dog is blind, too.

Q: How did Hellen Keller's parents punish her?

A: They rearranged the furniture.

Q: Why did Hellen Keller hang from a cliff for three days?

A: She couldn't hang on the cliff and yell for help at the same time.


Q: What is a cannibal's favorite breakfast cereal?

A: Shredded Feet

Q: Why was the cannibal expelled from school?

A: He tried to butter up his teacher.

Q: What do cannibal lawyers charge?

A: An arm and a leg.

Guys with no arms and no legs

Q: What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs at the front door?

A: Matt.

Q: What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs swimming?

A: Bob.

Q: What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs playing baseball?

A: Second Base.


Q: What do you call a cow with no legs?

A: Ground Beef.

Q: What do you call a cow with two legs?

A: Lean Beef.

Assorted Sickness

Q: What is purple and red and goes around at a hundred miles an hour?

A: Barney in a blender.

Q: What is the best way to pick up girls in Waco?

A: With a dust pan.

Q: What do you call a lepper in a hot tub?

A: Stu. (Get it? Stew?)

These are all old jokes and to the best of my knowledge are part of the public domain.

This page last updated 7/29/2000.