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I had a dream last night that I was walking through a magical forest. I came upon a clearing with a tiny village in the center. The inhabitants of the village were small, friendly folks called Trids. I played with the Trids all that afternoon, laughing and frollicking. Suddenly a growl eminated from the woods and out jumped a long-fanged monster with matted fur waving his claws above his head. The frightened Trids scattered and the monster rushed after them. The ones he caught up with he kicked left and right. Then he chased after more to kick, chortling the entire time.

Finally, I could'nt watch any more. I ran up to the monster and told him, 'Stop it! These defenseless little creatures haven't done anything to hurt you. If you want to kick something then pick on someone your own size. Kick me!'

'Silly human,' the monster replied, 'kicks are for Trids.'

These are all old jokes and to the best of my knowledge are part of the public domain.

This page last updated 7/30/2000.