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Family Military History

I have found that there is a strong Military tradition in the Quistorf / Quistorff family. If you have any more information to add to this page, please contact me. -Bill Quistorf

Battle of Waterloo - 1815

BATTLE OF WATERLOO, On June 18, 1815, Napoleon Bonaparte received a crushing military defeat on the fields near the Belgian village of Waterloo, about 9 miles (14 kilometers) south of Brussels. Napoleon's defeat ended 23 years of recurrent warfare between France and the other powers of Europe. The battle betwee n Napoleon's forces, which included 72,000 troops, and a combined Allied army of 113,000 British, Dutch, Belgian, and Prussian troops was fought so hard that either side might have won. A heavy rain the evening before the battle forced Napoleon to delay his attack. The delay cost him the battle.

Two Prussian Lieutenants: Lieutenant de Quistorff (1st) and Lieutenant de Quistorff (2nd) were wounded on June 18, 1815. They are listed as members of the Field Battalion Bremen. This Infantry battalion was formed under the 1st Hanoveran Brigade, under the 3rd Infantry Division, under I Corps, commanded by the Prince of Orange.

Austro-Prussian War - 1866

SEVEN WEEKS' WAR, also called the Austro-Prussian War, military conflict (1866) between Austria and Prussia that left Prussia the dominant power in Germany. The war was provoked by the Prussian foreign minister Otto von Bismarck. In the 39-state German Confederation, established by the Congress of Vienna in 1815, Prussia and Austria were rivals for leadership, and Bismarck was determined to tip the scales in Prussia's favor. Two years earlier (1864), Austria and Prussia together had made war on Denmark and taken from it the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein. By the Convention of Gastein (1865) Austria had received jurisdiction over Holstein and Prussia over Schleswig and the duchy of Lauenburg. Neither Austria nor Prussia, however, was satisfied with the settlement. Making use of this situation to further his goal, Bismarck interfered in the Austrian administration of Holstein, and when Austria protested to the legislature of the confederation, he sent Prussian troops into Holstein. Hannover, Hesse-Kassel, Saxony, Bavaria, Württemberg, and some other German states, fearing Prussian expansion, supported Austria. Prussia had secured the neutrality of most non-German powers and concluded an alliance with Italy.

In the actual war, declared by Austria on June 14, the Prussians soon gained the advantage, thanks to their strategist, Count Helmuth von Moltke. They quickly captured Hannover and Hesse-Kassel, then invaded Saxony and Bohemia, and finally inflicted a crushing defeat on the Austrians at Königgrätz in Austria (now Hradec Králové, Czech Republic) on July 3.

By the Treaty of Prague (Aug. 23, 1866) and related agreements, the German Confederation was dissolved; Prussia annexed Hannover and Hesse-Kassel; Austria ceded Holstein to Prussia, paid a small indemnity, and ceded Venetia to Italy. The following year Prussia organized the North German Confederation, from which Austria was excluded, while Austria gathered its remaining territories in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

August H. Quistorf served in the German Army during this war. He emigrated to the U.S. two years later, in 1868, and settled in Mishicot, Wisconsin.

U.S. Civil War (1861-1865) Battle of Spanish Fort

Battle of Spanish Fort. Mobile (Alabama) Campaign (1865) Dates: March 27-April 8, 1865 Principal Commanders: Maj. Gen. E.R.S. Canby [US]; Brig. Gen. Randall L. Gibson [CS] Forces Engaged: XVI and XIII Corps [US]; Spanish Fort Garrison [CS] Estimated Casualties: 1,401 (Union States: 657; Confederate States: 744) Description: Maj. Gen. Canby’s XIII and XVI corps moved along the eastern shore of Mobile Bay forcing the Confederates back into their defenses. Union forces then concentrated on Spanish Fort and Fort Blakely. On March 27, 1865, Canby’s forces rendezvoused at Danley’s Ferry and immediately undertook a siege of Spanish Fort. The Union had enveloped the fort by April 1, and on April 8 captured it. Most of the Confederate forces, under the command of Brig. Gen. Gibson, escaped and fled to Mobile, but Spanish Fort was no longer a threat. Result: Union victory.

Johann "John" H. Quistorff, is listed in the "Wisconsin Volunteers". He was a private in Company E, 27th Infantry Regiment. Originally from Oldenburg, Germany, he was a resident of Two Rivers, Wisconsin when he enlisted on 28 Sep 1864, served as a private, was wounded 28 Mar 1865 at Spanish Fort, and was mustered out 14 Jul 1865.

Additionaly Edwin H. Quistorff enlisted in the 2nd Wisconsin Infantry and Roswill F. Quistof (spelling?) enlisted in Company A, 12th Iowa Infantry.