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Chris's Breakout Home Page

Sup, my name is Chris,thanks for coming to my website. First, I will explain what this webpage is for. Ya' see, my school is doing this year long project called "Breakout." In this project the student chooses a topic. The topic I chose is "Violence in Video Games." After the student has chosen his or her topic the student researches that topic all year and finds notes, statistics, etc on their topic. Also the student has to do something to help the community, like making a webpage, a public speech, or volunteering in their community. As you can see I have chosen a webpage. At the end of the year the student sets up a booth showing off what they learned about their topic. Thats about all thats to this project. This website will show off what I have learned about my topic and what I know about it. Another thing to say is that there are two special links on this page,"Viewpoint #1" and "Viewpoint #2." Each of the pages show you supporting reasons/opinions for the different sides of the arguement. Be sure to check them out since they are the most important part of my website. Please, take a look around. And while you are here,I would be very thankful if you signed my Guest Book. There is a link to it on my home page. Enjoy the site. Thanks for coming to my page. Thats all I'm going to say for now. Peace I'm out.

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Viewpoint #1
Viewpoint #2
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