TO DUPLICATE ITEMS: You must have the following HMs to do this code:
First, put the item you want 130 of in the 6th place in your items. Go to Viridian City and talk to the man who shows you how to catch a weedle. Watch him catch the weedle and then fly to fuschia city. From here surf down close to the ice caves and surf along the coast until you fight a weird looking pokemon. This is Missingno. Defeat it or run away. If you catch it your graphics will screw up. Then check the item and it will show a weird symbol and then 9. The weird symbol actually means you get 130 of that item.
PIKABLU: There are many rumors about Pikablu. Most of them don't work. I don't have Pikablu. Some say you catch a Raichu, name it Pikablu and trade it to the man on Cinnibar Island. I tried this. The man says "Your Raichu went and evolved", however he doesnt give him back. Pikablu is said to be trapped in the water next to the Unknown Dungeon also. If you use itemfinder there it says there is an item, however, I can't find it. If you know how to get Pikablu, email me at And any other codes I don't have here would also like would be good. If your still reading, STOP! This is the end! Im not gonna keep writing. NEW SUBMITTED CODE BY PIKACHUS HIDDEN LAIR TM CUT WITHOUT BOAT LEAVING Get TM CUT and save. Then Blackout From a Trainer U will start at the pokemon center with tm Cut and Boat still there
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