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The Terrible 2

Katherine and Alexis

Yes,Yes my subjects, it is me Alexis. After like 3 monthes I finally came and checked out my own page and realized what a lazy bastard I am (oops?)haha wow..the pimp and hooker ball..that was a good 8 monthes ago! Well anyways, on to my nonsense, just a second ago i got in a fight with my mom. I told her i think i'm depressed and i wanna see a doctor and she yelled at me!?! she's a psycho bitch. She assumes from the movie American Beauty that i am trying to be like the daughter and kill her and blah blah and she finds the movie to be "a naughty movie" in her words since she's gay. God, i can't wait until summer time i'm gettin outta this house for awhile. hm,anyways, Prom wasn't to long ago. I didn't even know mine was going on until 2 days before, that stuff isn't to important though to me. It's still better then Katherine, atleast i knew sometime BEFORE prom happened! Jeez- speaking of the woman herself, she should change the poll to who would you rather Bone? I find it much more interesting!

Oh yeah if any of you got any idea's for anything new you wanna see on the site hit us up with a e-mail and let us know! We're starting to slack now with school cause Katherine's busy getting her grades up and I'm busy sitting around on my ass downloading mp3's. And yes, I do plan on wasting my life away in this very chair.

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Katherine: HEY PEOPLE!! I see there has been more than 7450 people that has come here and only 60 something people signed our guest book. I don't care weather you know us or not sign it and say anything bout our web page. Oh and we'll try to E-mail you guys back when you sign our guest book

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