"I recently had the privilege of trying out a set of nunchuku made by Long-Payne Weapons. As the man who introduced Mr. Payne (to nunchaku) I was thrilled to see and feel the quality and attention to detail he and Mr. Long put into these weapons ... these are handmade from fine Indiana hardwoods, and quality leather giving them strength that surpasses the mass-produced chain and ball-bearing models. I was so pleased with the octagonal Black Locust model I tried out, that I immediately placed an order for two sets. I will definitely be showing these to my fellow martial-arts enthusiasts!" - Michael J. Brinksneader, Indiana This site was redesigned in August, 2008.
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Founded in January 2007, by folk-style wood carver Bryce Long and master grade Jujitsu instructor Philip A. Payne, Long-Payne Weapons is dedicated to providing our customers with the very best training implements available anywhere.

In order to reach this goal, we have brought together more than 50 years of expertise in both martial arts training and craftsmanship. We truly believe that using Long-Payne Weapons will take any practicioner's training to a whole new level!

Our specialty line of wooden weapons are designed according to traditional methods. The team also draws upon Payne’s twenty plus years of martial arts experience, thus ensuring the very highest quality of weapon is produced.

When first discussing with Long the possibility of working together on this project, Payne stated, "I will not sell what I wouldn't want to train with." This has become the standard for all Long-Payne products and Payne believes that any serious martial artist will be enthused upon using a Long-Payne weapon.

Below: Bryce Long, co-owner of Long-Payne Weapons, carefully selects only the very best materials with which to work. His 30 plus years of experience in wood working guarnatees that Long-Payne Weapons only produces the highest quality of products.

"The weapons you made for me are beautiful and feel very good in the hands. I am especially fond of the honey locust jo; it's become my favorite medium-length stick" - Richard Kollmar, California

Long personally oversees the construction of every weapon from beginning to end, going so far as to select and cut each tree personally. This results in each piece being unique, making any Long-Payne Weapons product the perfect gift for that favorite instructor, student or martial arts enthusiast in your life.

Our standard material of choice is highly durable Locust wood, in the oriental tradition, however, we stock some other types of wood. Upon your request other materials, such as Osage Orange may be utilized.

At left: This Honey Locust tree is ripe for harvest, but its abundant thorns demonstrate why most providers of wooden weapons have elected to use softer, easier to collect and, sadly, weaker types of wood. It has since been harvested and provided the material for several Long-Payne products.

Upon completion, each weapon is individually examined and tested by Payne, who gives each customer his personal promise:

“I’ve wasted a lot of time and money over the years, buying training weapons that were plain junk. I learned the hard way what quality is. You don’t have to. If I wouldn’t use it, I won’t sell it.”

Do not delay. Contact us today.

We cannot begin constructing your personal dream weapon without your personal specifications. The sooner we have them, the sooner you will be training!


We are a proud distributor of Jissen Martial Arts Magazine.

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