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left to right: Matt, Pebbles,Evil Quilt Girl, and Super Turbo. Picture taken by and stolen from Jon

Hey! Welcome to my website. This is a site documenting the life of my friends and I...AKA the wild elusive teenagers of Port Orchard Wa! Hang out for a while and look around. Oh yeah...and you have to check this out, it's the best page ever!

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If i was a serial killer i would be Lizzy Borden.

Lizzy Borden, not by definition a serial killer, but a notorious killer nonetheless. One day as her father was napping on the living room sofa Lizzy Borden took an axe and hit her father's head with it repeatedly some where around 40 times, completely disfiguring his face into an unrecognizable mess of blood and gore. Almost immediately after Lizzy attacked her mother in her bedroom, again hitting her head with an axe over 40 times. Lizzie Borden took an axe,

And gave her father forty whacks. And when she saw what she had done, She gave her mother forty-one.

kill count: 2
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