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~about me~
about my friends
kc's real audio music
muh journal!!

heya!! welcome 2 "KC'S ANGELFIRE WEB VERSION 2.0"!!! whats 2.0?? i dunno...i just thought it sounded kewl (lol) umm...!! its a completely updated/remodeled version of my old webby site. things like the layout and content have been given a make-over (whaa--?? ima guy!! guys cant say "makeover" can they?? lol) i started making webby sites when i was @ webtv and when i switched over to a computer....i had 2 transfer my old webpage from THERE 2 HERE. that was "kc's angelfire web 1.0" i guess (lol) i dunno i've talked 4 like a whole paragraph and im already confused (lol) 2.0 wha--?!?! huh?!?! (lol) but basically its just an improved and wayyyy kewl-er version of my old web.

OmG!!! dude!!! i just noticed!!! ya know that webtv-veiwer thingy?? i downloaded it and checked out my home page and "WHOA"!! it looks sooo different!!! like the "kaw 2.0" banner is all-l-l the way down by the text while the buttons R up on top...thats messed up yo!!!(lol) sowwie about that 2 my webtv-ers out there. i made this site through netscape and IEeplorer browsers it looks totally kewl on here...but totally lame on the webtv browser. but just bare with me while i sort this stuff out 'kay?!?!

anywho-da-wayz!! (thats muh new word!!! hehehe) 2 the point: this site's about checkin' out kewl backgrounds...listenin' 2 awesome music....and partying!!! ya shake yo booty!!! i'll be updating this site at least once-a-week so look below 2 see all the new stuff and the soon-2-be new stuff coming. o ya!! and if u have anything u wanna see on here whether its a poem/song u wrote,new midi song,link or ANYTHING lemmie know!!!

note<~~most of everything on this site is best veiwed with MS explorer 4.0 or higher, but if your on a computer (like me) and wanna see what it looks like from a diff angle download the webtv veiwer!!! it looks hella kewl!!!

updated stuff!!

the update is that there is an update section!!! (lol) this page got too crowded with text from i made a whole section 4 it so it'll be easier on my here 4 updates!!

here's an old update:

-the "journal" section is up!!! the name pretty much explains it. its where i write down everything thats goin' on in my life and what im thinking...i pretty much put it up 'cause i thought it'd be fun 2 have somewhere 2 tell my deepest,dark-est secrets!!! hahaha **laughs evily** okay okay im making way 2 much out of it (lol) just umm..if ya wanna know about the webmaster_guy check it out!! ya ya!! its here: My Journal


what ya think of my page??
damn this page sucks!!
dude u need a hella-lot more!!
not bad gettin better
i wish my page was as good!!!!
um..what was the question??
o ya this page rocks!!

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Listen & Work: Lycos Radio

click here for Lessons in Lovewant more ways to make love??spread the word!!learn somethin!!

  • a kewl place to buy music over the net is CDNOW!!

  • if ya wanna like...make your own webpage ANGELFIRE is da place to be

  • buuuuuuuuut if ya have no clue on how to make webpages check out DRAAC

  • okay okay i know im gonna go on and on 'bout it but a kewl place to make your own logo's is CoolText

  • im not putting "CoolText" down or anything but a hella better place to make 'em is FLAMINGTEXT

  • omg if your into playin games on the net goto NET 4 TV

  • oooo a kewl music link is TURBOZ

  • i almost forgot to tell ya 'bout a place pretty much everyone knows about,but if ya dont check out ZOOMAJICthey have some kick ass audio and some backgrounds you'll flip for!!

  • i just learned about this site like a month ago and its pretty kewl!! if ya have a question check out the internet butler at ASK.COM

  • o ya!! check out my page @ talkcity its really old but hey its about me!! (lol)

  • check out muh new webby!! its a site about scary stories 'n stuff; i made it 'cause i thought it'd give off a halloween-y kinda vibe and scare kids outta their minds (lol) link: Real Scary Stories

  • my new HYBRID UNDERGROUND 3.0 site is gonna be here, check out the teasers 4 it :)CLICK HERE
