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My family and friends

My family and friends

Many of these pictures were taken a while ago. I hope that you can tell which ones were and which ones weren't!!!

This is my dad and me!!

This is my mom and dad! Their names are Karen and Ronnie.

This is my sister. Her name is Heidi! Sometimes this is how she acts. Isn't she pretty?

This is at my sister's wedding. Starting from the left is: Melissa (my sister's friend), me (Heather), my sister(Heidi), her husband(Jon), and his friend(Chris). Many people say that me and my sister look a like. Tell me what you think!

This is my dog Penny and my kitty Oreo. Oreo ran away and we've never found her. She was the best kitty.

This is me when I was a kid! Don't ask :)

This is my grandma,Ramona(my dad's mom), my cousin on the left is Kyle, and my second cousin on the right is Devin. Devin and I are like brother and sister.

This is my grandpa, Bert. He's my dad's dad. I think that he looks a lot like my dad!

This is my other grandpa, Bob.

This is my cousin, Hannah, and her friend! My cousin is the one on the right!

This is my cousin, Russell. This is Hannah's half brother!

This is my second cousin Anders. Isnīt he a cutie? This was taken at my sister's wedding

This is Anders again!

These are all my second cousins. The oldest one is Devin, the little one is Nicholas, and the baby is Anders!!

This is Anders again.

This is the last picture of Anders that I have. And yes, he was really hung by a string.

This is a family friend's babies. Aren't they cute? Their names are Hunter and Hannah!

This is my cousin Tommy. He likes to sing and he's really funny when he sings. Tommy, I need to get you the Britney Spears cd.

This is my cousin, Missy, her husband, Aaron, and their baby, Anders.

This is my dad's cousin Jerry and my grandma. Jerry is really cool!!

This is Jerry's wife, Katherine, and their two sons, Jordan and Jared.

This is a friend of my family, Megan.

This is my friend Tim! He is really nice and cute!

This is my cousin, Ronnie, and my sister at her graduation!!

This is my mom and me. This was taken about Two years ago.

Ok, I know I need to get some news pictures on here but the problem is, I don't have a scanner or a camera for the computer. So, you guys are going to have to wait until I get some new pics. I know this is really crappy too. I need to update this page so don't say anything to me about it because I'll get embarressed!!