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April 15th, 2001:
> Sorry about not pdating in a while, but it has been spring break... and I have been busy. But today I just got up five different games, thanks to "dude" on the message board. I will soon have a "Thanks to.." page where I will list your name, e-mail, website, and anything else... If you want me to, post a message on the message board. thanks! So be sure to check out the games, they are really cool!


April 10th, 2001:
> Today I have up a whole bunch of links, and by the end of the day I will probably have nearly everything finished. I have every page up, but most of them are still under construction. Under Facts, I have four catigories finished, Monkeys, Apes, Chimps, and Gorillas. Oh and also I got some pictures up! Hopefully I will get more soon, and feel free to send some pictures in!
> I moved the updates section to it's own page, because the Home page was getting too crowded.
> I just added a new poll section, there will be a new poll every week, but if a ton of people vote in a few days, I will reset the poll. So go on and vote!


April 9th, 2001:
> I have just started the site, and I made that cool logo up on top. I will have links up later today. The pages will all be up in less then two days. I will keep on updating as often as possible.