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Welcome to my mentally unsound world. Go, explore, have fun. But be careful, it can get a little weird.... Feel free to e-mail me with comments or sign the guestbook. You'll find the guestbook and my e-mail address at the bottom of this page. Or you can post a message for me on the Mentally Unsound Message Board instead.

Things to do Here:

Would You Walk Down the Aisle in One of These?

Look at these wedding gowns and vote on the most unusual.

My Adopted Cyberpets

Come see my SweetWater Nymphs and my imaginary friend!

Mentally Unsound Thought of the Week

An unusual or funny quote. New thought each week.

The Mentally Unsound Poll

The poll: "Funniest Word"

How Extensive is Your Vocabulary?

Can you figure out what this word means? (No fair using a dictionary!)

The Cow Shrine

Dedicated to Megs (Thanks for the pics!)

Mentally Unsound Greeting Cards

Go here to send or pick up a greeting card.

Funny Lists

Ever wondered 58 Ways to Order Pizza or the Top 20 Church Bulletin Mistakes? No? Oh well, read 'em anyway!

The Mentally Unsound Message Board

Feel free to stop by and post a reply. Or if you feel up to it, start a new topic. It's pretty much a say-anything board so go ahead and add your two-cents!

Cartoon of the Day!

Read Randy Glasbergen's Cartoon of the Day.

Mentally Unsound Links

Here's a small collection of links to other fun pages. You can also find links to places where you can get stuff like I have here on my page.

Whatever you do, don't click here!


Please push the button, but be warned, push it only once, or face the consequences!!!!
