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MARCH 2007
Small Press Month
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Voyage to the Village
     A   M A G I C A L   R E A L I S T   P A S S P O R T

                           "To possess ideas is to gather flowers,
                           to think is to weave them into garlands."
                           —Greek proverb

ILLUSTRATION: "Zapatista Weaver" © 2003, acrylic painting by Betty LaDuke, Ashland, OR. Permission to reprint this image granted by the artist.

ABOUT THE ARTIST: "Betty LaDuke is an artist who, perhaps more than any other painter, has succeeded in assimilating the myths, idioms, iconography and metaphors of other cultures holistically into her works. She has done so in a manner and style that integrates the acquired, cultural artifacts with her own feminine, ecological and spiritual views."—Frank Cebulski, Artweek, June 2000.

Betty LaDuke has produced a wide array of multicultural images from around the world for some 50 years. Her "Chiapas, Mexico: Land and Liberty" exhibit of giclée prints, photographs and drawings has circulated since 2004 and is but one of 11 different projects she has on display throughout the US. "Chiapas, Mexico: Land and Liberty" will show next at the Southern Oregon College Library (Nov 2006 through mid-Jan 2007). For more info

ARTIST'S STATEMENT: "During our Zapatista village visits, my sketchbook was a constant companion. I rapidly sketched my impressions, which the villagers were eager to see. Later in my Ashland, OR studio, these pen-and-ink drawings became the catalysts for large symbolic paintings including Zapatista Weaver… Copies were then sent to Global Exchange to share with those whose life experiences and resistance to oppression had inspired my work."

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