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"Days go by"
 by Dirty Vegas

This video short, featured on, was released on June 2, 2002. Be sure you have a box of tissue on hand!  
           A m
ust see!              

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Where you will find  poetry, jokes, fun stuff and nice things!
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January 1, 2003

World Time Bar

 I would like to start a gallery of backgrounds and graphics.  Submit your backgrounds & graphics!

Fun Stuff! Jokes Nice Things

  Ketchup Alley                 January 2003
          Joke Archive
          Nice Things Archive
          Poetry Archive
Fun Stuff Archive
        Other sites I've designed:
          Rotor World

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(My pets:  Dylan116 & Nuggettwo)

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  JavaScript Dice Poker

TidBits of Information
Page: 1  2  3 
5  6
Eye Test -
Don't believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see!
Wait All Day
Sometimes this link takes a while to patient are you?  (Watch the events load-bottom left corner of your screen.)
  Press the Button
It says just once, though.  I wonder what happens if you click it again?
Fish Bowl

Hit the Dot
A game that will drive you crazy!
Can You See Me?



  'Twas the Week After Christmas

  How to Survive to the End of a Horror Movie

An Organization is Like a Tree of Monkeys


You Know you Live in the Pacific NW if You...

  Have You Ever Considered?

To Exercise or Not to Exercise
35 Reasons Dogs Are Better Than Wives

  Vivá la Difference

Shane's New England
Style Clam Chowder

Seasons Of Seattle

Note:  If you don't have screen at 800x600, the picture will be offset.

I use this company as my only telephone service, through my computer.  I highly recommend it!
  PC-to-Phone calls to the US - 1.9 Cents/Min

Peace Page
A memorial to all Americans
101+ Ways to Praise a Child
to use on your own web sites!
Click here to visit
  You're Being Stolen From!

Autumn Walk Through the Woods
A story by Airlie A.

 O, Gypsy Moth
He Took All We Had


For Guido With Love

Silly poems for a dear friend.

Everyone loves Bubble know, popping all those little bubbles!  How much time can you waste?
Bubble Wrap

Want to learn to play the piano, but you don't have one?  Play online!
Go to Play a Piano

Keep track of your Stocks with QuoteStream  (Note:  There's a quick download of information)

(Updated weekly)

Boogie Jack's  Web Depot is a webmasters resource center featuring excellent original graphics, HTML and Graphics Tutorials, product reviews, and too many other great features to list. The casual surfer will love the humor, contests, and other amusing diversions. A great resource, but it's also a funny and fun place to be. I highly recommend it!

Times around the world:

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