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Jonny's Info


"I see a lot of people my age who are really creative, who inspire people and are brilliant at things they like to do. You can't let anything hold you back."

"When I'm on stage, people are seeing the most personal side of me. It's a pretty emotional time."

My biggest influence has always been Stevie Wonder-he's a huge part of my songwriting and singing, his whole persona. Specifically, though, I don't know. I think I just got to do more of music I like to write, instead of doing stuffy people expected because they had pigeonholed me as a strict blues guy.

"Playing the blues is what I want to do. I made the decision several years ago, actually, and no matter what happens, I'll be playing music. If I have to play by myself for tips on the street corner, I'll keep doing it."

"If I woke up tomorrow with no arms, for some strange reason...I guess I'd learn how to play the guitar with my feet. I've seen a guy do it so I know its possible.

"Where I learned was playing with musicians who have been around a long time and who basically kick my butt."

"I played barefoot the day I found out Luther Allison had died. I was kinda bummed out that day and I went out onstage with a tank top and these leather pants--these crazy leather pants, just barefoot. I think I played one of the best shows I've ever played that night. After that it just seemed so much more natural to play barefoot."

"I'm in this for the long haul. I feel like I'm a lifer."

Jonny's Top Ten CD's Are...

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P.O. Box 581639

Minneapolis, MN 55458-1639

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Listen to some Jonny songs...just click on the one you want to hear. They are Real Audio clips.

Lie To Me
Good Morning Little School Girl
A Quitter Never Wins
Hit The Ground Running

Still Rainin'
Breakin' Me
Wander This World
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