Alyson on KTLA morning news

Carlos Amezcua and Barbara Beck interview Alyson Hannigan

Carlos - Buffy the it still called Buffy the Vampire Slayer or is it just Buffy

Alyson - no it’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Carlos - ok, still Buffy the Vampire Slayer, moves to Tuesday nights here on the WB starting tonight when part two of the special Buffy event "surprise" airs

Barbara - Now, Alyson Hannigan plays Buffy’s shy wallflower friend and confidant, but in real life, she enjoys, kickboxing, surfing...more importantly she’s here with us this morning...good morning, welcome. Now I see you were kind of preparing as you watched the golden globes, you’ve got your list there. Please go ahead, Alyson has awards to do.

Alyson - ok. I have to do this sign...hi (aly holds up her sign)

Barbara - HI SARAH!!! I MISS YOU!!!! BUFFY RULES!!!!...ok, next one

Alyson - it’s because, no that’s it.

Barbara - that’s it, that’s the only one you had

Alyson - Because, yes that’s it, she was on Saturday Night Live and she held up a sign for me, so

Barbara - so we’re all even

Alyson - yes

Barbara - you know we’re so good about this and we reassure you that we never never tell anyone anything, but this is the "surprise" show coming up on Buffy the Vampire Slayer...what’s the surprise?

Alyson - well, i ah, it’s part two, last night was the first and’s there’s so many surprises and and i was trying to think of something i could tell you without giving away the big huge stuff

Barbara - let me guess, you came up with nothing

Alyson - exactly

Barbara - you can’t say anything

Alyson - yeah, but it’s really good

Barbara - it’s really good...did you ever think I mean somebody comes to you and says you’re going to be on this show called Buffy the Vampire Slayer ... I mean there was a movie and everything, did you think eww, is this really a good idea.

Alyson - yeah, it was like oh no, ok

Barbara - and you are not even going to be Buffy, you’re going to be her shy friend.

Alyson - I was just like oh alright and then I got the sides, the audition piece, and I was like this is really funny. And then I was really excited, and I didn’t read the script until after I got the part and I read the script and I was like I’m so glad I didn’t read the script because I would’ve killed for this job. It would’ve made me so

Barbara - it would’ve made you too nervous

Alyson - oh yeah

Carlos - watching the show, most people do kill in their, for their job

Alyson - I know

Carlos - it’s a really fun show to watch, we’re really big fans. We have a clip of Buffy, let’s take a look


Oz-Do you want to go out with me tomorrow night?

Will-Oh, I can’t

Oz-Well, see I like that you’re unpredictable

Willow-It’s just that its Buffy’s birthday and we’re throwing her a surprise party

Oz-It’s ok

Willow-But you could come if you wanted

Oz-I don’t want to crash

Willow-No it’s fine, you could be m-my date

Oz-Alright, I’m in

Willow-I said date

-clip ends-

Barbara - that’s so cute...that’s so cute. Does it bother you to play the kind of shy well not that sexy one compared to buffy?

Alyson - um, no it doesn’t because ah, you know, I get these letters, that the these little kids say like I’m just like you, and and it’s so nice to see a character that I can relate to on television, and you know it’s, it’s nice to be the awkward one, cuz then you can get away with more

Carlos - what do you think is the attraction to the show. What is it that you think atttracts viewers to Buffy?

Alyson - ah, the writing, it its its so funny, it’s so smart, an-and Joss Whedon is a genius so I just it it it, has I mean age range, its, kids love it, and adults and everybody, there’s something for everyone, you know?

Barbara - what about for you...from buffy the vampire slayer, have you gotten some great offers, other tv shows, are you looking at some movie scripts now?

Alyson - ah, well, I did a movie over the break last year, and ah, I’m not sure when it’s coming out...probably in march.but um you know, I’m just working on the show right now and hopefully, over the break I’ll be able to do some stuff.

Barbara - maybe a spinoff, you never know

Alyson - I wanna stay on the show

Barbara - It could happen. So this is the conclusion an is is it tonight.

Alyson - yes

Barbara - a special surprise

Alyson - yes at eight o’clock

Barbara - eight o’clock tonight

Alyson - and then Dawson’s creek

Barbara - very good to see you, thanks for coming in

Alyson - yes, thank you very much

Barbara - and we’ll be watching, I know marc(the weather guy) will, big early fan of the show eight o’clock tonight

Alyson - thank you

Carlos - Alyson Hannigan... and we’ll find out how that date goes I guess in future episodes, huh

Alyson - tonight

Carlos - oh oh, you find out tonight, ah how that date goes

Alyson - I think it was last night

Carlos - it was last night

Alyson - I can’t keep my dates straight

Carlos - (laugh)

Barbara - It’s ok, no one here can either, you fit right in.

~The End~

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