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For HaiHo's Good Friends.

Friends, thank you so much for your kindness.

Because you are always there for me.

Because I feel comfortable around you.

Because you actually hear what I say.

Because you bring out the best in me.

Because you accept me for who I am.

Because you are not afraid to tell it like it is.

Because you make me smile.

Because you are down to earth.

Because you make me feel loved.

Because we have so much fun together..


And Friends, you are me....

You brought another friend....

And then there were 3....

We started our group....

Our circle of friends....

And like that circle....

There is no beginning or end..

Again thank you for being my friend!


 If nobody smiled and nobody cared
 and nobody helped us along.
 If every moment looked after itself and
 good things always went to the strong;
 If nobody cared just a little about you
 and nobody cared about me,
 and we stood alone, in the battle of life,
 What a dreary old world this would be.

 Life is sweet, just because of
 friends we have made
 and the things which in common we share.
 We want to live on, not because of ourselves,
 but because of the people who care.
 It is doing and giving for somebody else
 on which all of life's splendor depends.
 The joy of this world, when you've
 summed it all up,
 is found in the making of friends!

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