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Atryeu's Domain

Nintendo 64 Game Help
Game Help for other systems
Movies Page

Last Updated: April 26, 2001

Welcome to Atryeu's Domain!

I know its been over a year between updates, but I have so many other projects going on right now. I have decided to re-create this website into a larger network. I'm not going to say much about it yet since its nowhere close to being ready for others to see, but I will say this: The new site has a better name, will contain tons of game codes and game guides for several different gaming systems, along with info on hundreds of movies!
Anyone seeing this message: If any of you own or have access to any gaming systems, own or have played several games, and have a reasonable amount of knowledge with HTML programming, please contact me if your interested in helping out. I will be looking for new staff members for the website. More information will be provided when I reply to any requests.
If your interested, Email Me with a few quick sentences on how you could help me and the website out.

Atryeu's Domain is Copyright 2000 and may not be reproduced without my written consent. Anyone caught taking images/content from this site will be punished by law.
