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10/15/01- A Carrie Fisher image has been added to her gallery. The gallery now caontains 15 pictures of her. The latest one is a picture of Carrie, her brother and Mom in 1958. This is one of the only images I found in a magazine and scanned. Click here to view her updated page.

12/31/00- All the vehicle picture galleries have been created. Harrison Ford, Samuel Jackson, Liam Neeson and Ewan Mcgregor all have newly created picture galleries.

12/26/00- Mark Hamill's picture gallery has been created. (8 pics)

12/26/00- Jake Lloyd's picture gallery has been created, but only with 3 pics. I will try to add more soon.

12/24/00- Hayden Christensen picture gallery has been created. (9 pics)

12/20/00- A Carrie Fisher picture gallery has been added. (14 pics)

12/13/00- The character galleries have been completed. Ofcourse, I will update them, but not until I have finished the actor/actress galleries and the vehical galleries. Natalie Portman's gallery (16 pics) is also up and every link works.

11/12/00- I completed the Anakin, Obi Wan, Boba, C3PO and group gallaries. I have about a hundred group pics, but only sixteen are currently displayed.

11/7/00- I have completed the Ackbar and Amidala image gallaries.

11/5/00- I have started to create the image gallaries. They will be divided into individual character and actor/actress galaries. All that is up now is a list of character links that will take you to blank pages, but that should change soon.

I have Episode 1 clips. Look in animations.

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