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Welcome To Eiler's Page

Glad you made it. Pull up a chair and have a seat. I live in Stanwood, a town about 60 miles north of Seattle. Check out our local weekly paper The Stanwood/ Camano News. Stanwood is in Washington the Evergreen State. I'm an artist, I usually draw and paint the human figure in all its shapes and forms (illustration, cartoon, caricature, portrait...etc). I said usually because lately I've been doing logos, lettering and designs which is not really my cup of tea, but I have to pay my bills.
As some of you know I have been involved in the wonderful world of theater this year and I have some pictures of my last play "Divorce Southern Style" a play by the Camwood Players. I'm still in the process of posting the pics so comeback. Check down below for the links to the plays' pics.

Sargent really Rocks!

I went to visit the John Singer Sargent exhibit at the Seattle Art Museum on February 28. It was mid-morning and the place was crowded. I had just begun to enjoy myself with the incredible art of Sargent and I said to myself: "Sargent really rocks!" The gods must've been heeding my words because a few moments later I felt the floor quivering below my feet. It soon turned into a rumbling earthquake. The earthquake turned out to be a 6.8 on the Richter scale one of the worst in Seattle history. For security reasons the exhibit was canceled for that day and they gave us tickets for a later date. I did return for the next exhibit to finish what I started. I will never forget that in the year of our Lord 2001, John Singer Sargent left his mark on this earth once again.


I got on stage for the first time this last spring . I had a small part as the "ambassador" in the play "Pygmalion". There's no pics of me in that play because I was the guy behind the camera.

Desire Under the Elms

pics coming up

Divorce Southern Style

A Christmas Carol

Comments?--- here ----->

Latest developments:

Mr Wardak, my 4th project:
Fourth of July 2004 pics
Teddy Roosevelt(out of order)
Robert Goddard
Interview with Masako Imai