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The story moves through thirty years. In an unnamed city, very europeon or east coast. Outside the city is forest, miles and miles of it. I have purposely left descriptions vaugue and the characters unnamed for now. I am trying to keep a hidden quality to the stories within the story. I am trying to make it realistic fantasy, as is, the story seems to have a fantastic element to it, but there is no mention of anything out of the ordianary, or supernatural.

7 chapters

Chapter 1 A King finds his Kingdom Man moves to city from elsewhere he has been traveling for many years to get there. He finds a home, job, and a wife. We are all kings. In our own singular ways. All of us are.

Chapter 2 King of the Gutters Homeless man. It is both a sad and happy tale. Try to make it uplifting First Line I am king of the Gutters

Chapter 3 A Queen among Kings The mans wifes sister, lives her life and is affected by the city. First Line The king had left the queen

Chapter 4 An Heir is Born The mans childs is born almost ten years has past. First Line I feel like a king

Chapter 5 A Princess The womans child point of view, she is a girl of about six. She meets a young man of about the same age. Turns out to be the boy born in last chapter They begin a courtship and at the end of the the chapter they marry at age of twenty. First line Kings are evil.

Chapter 6 Kingdoms Change A story of a rich man who is vile and evil and how he meets the homeless man and is changed by the experiance. First Line You are known as a king

Chapter 7 The Melencoly King The man is dying and his son and his wife sit in the hospital with him, as he tells a story. First Line I was a king, now... now I am simply dying.

Chapter 1

Seeds of a Kingdom

“We are all kings. In our own singular ways. All of us are.” the man of twenty and some odd years said to himself. “We all have our own kingdoms. I believe I have found mine.” he says this out loud now, as he looks around. The buildings and the people all seem to move, to hustle and fall in the way of each other. The day was as magical as it could be. There was a smell in the air that told him that he had found home. He could smell comfort and happiness. He was drawn to the center of town. It held a massive stone church. Or what seemed to be a church, for it was undenomanational, and had no keepers such as monks or any such thing. The only name that the church carried was printed on a sign just before the wooden front door, it read,

“The church that simply is.” “This” he said, “this is home.” He walked through the gates and stood beside the sign, leaning agaisnt it with his left elbow. Two large gaurds dressed in strange outfits grabbed an arm each and carried him off. When they got to the street in front of the church they sat him down. Warm cobblestone beneath him, warm blue sky above him, and beside him sat a dirty man, one with yellow and gold teeth. He smiled and offered the man a bit off bread. He took it with thanks, and got to his feet, and moved on.

A few weeks passed, the man found a home across the street from the church. He lives in a room in the back of a bread shop. It is not much but it is enough for one man. It has a window that faces the corner of the church, a bed, and chest where he can keep his belongings. He works in the back of the store making the dough for the bread, he recieves pay, and some extra bread at the end of the day. He considers himself lucky. He knows that many people have less. Like the man that he had met in front of the church when he first arrived.

A few more weeks went by, the man had started to court a midwifes daughter, a pretty young thing only a few years his younger. They met while her mother was upstairs delivering the shopkeepers first son. The daughter was meant to help and train with her mother, but the second the child began to come out, she vomitted and had to be escorted out, the man was called up to do so. She was white when they first met, as a ghost. He sat her down in hte hallway on an old rickety bench. She wiped some of the vomit from off of the side of her mouth with her apron. She looked over at the man and smiled. “I am sorry for making a mess in there. Will you have to clean that up.” He shook his head, for he could not speak, her eyes a blue that could dwarf the skies hue, locked with his. He had been hypnotized by her beauty.

She noticed the look on his face, being totaly ignorant of her own beauty she thought that he might be sick in the head, or that he would soon vomit also. She moved away, and turned a bit. He shook his head, and stood. He then found his voice, “You have the most amazing eyes.” She looked back at him,”Excuse me?” He then sat next to her on the rickety old bench. “It is forward of me, but would you like to take in dinner with me?” A look of fear and anticipation on his face. She looked in to the door, for a second hoping to buy some time to think, she saw the baby in the fathers arms, the cord dangling, and then screaming from the child, she again vomitted.”Is that a yes?” asked the man.

That was a week ago and they have spent every night together, just sitting in the park watching the stars, and eating bread and cheese. She falls asleep on his shoulder, and he covers her with his coat and carries her to her and her mothers apartment on the other side of the church. Her mother always sitting up waiting for the knock at the door. “You and my daughter, two fools made for each other.” She said with a smile. He just gently carried her to her bed and smiled at her and her mother. On this night though, he kissed her. She smiled and her raven hair shifted to cover her face. He walked home with his coat over his shoulder, humming. The moon smiled down.

Winter comes and it brings with it snow and ice. A warm winter by most respects for the city though. The chidren play in the cobblestone streets and sled down the hills on the outskirts of town. The man awakes one morning to find himself being watched, not by anything sinister. Only a snowman that had been built outside his window. His view of the church obscrured, he frowned a bit, but a smile overcame his face when he heard the childs laugh. He saw the boy run off across the street and find his friends. The man gets up and readies himself for another day of making bread.

He walks into the back room and finds the owners child playing with a bag of flour. The boy is now a toddler and into mischief.
“Scoot now. I have to start work.”
The child runs from the room, laughing, and leaving a trail of flour behind him. The owner walks into the room, just as the man begins to mix the butter, flour, yeast, and milk into a tin bowl.
"ow, es your morning my boy?”
“Fine sir and yours?”
“Good. My son seems to have made a mess I see.”
“Yes, he seems to be in everything now.”
“Its the age. Well my boy. It seems to be time you left here.”
He looks up and meets eyes with the owner.
“Have I done something wrong?”
“No! Far from it. It just seems that with your marriage in the spring, you will need a larger place, and your own buisness.”
The man frowns,
“My only trade sir, is a worker for you, and a traveller. What shall I do?”
The owner smiles,
“You will run my next store, buisness is well and it is time to expand. My new shop opens in the summer, it is being built across town about two miles from here.”
“It would be my honor sir. I hope I do well enough to keep your trust.”
“I do not doubt it. You are a level headed young man, I know we will both do well..”
The man runs out of the store as soon as his morning chores are done and he finds himself at his soon to wifes house very quickly. He looks in the window and knocks on a window where he can see a bit of her. She looks over and weeps. He gets a confused look on his face and he then goes to the front door. He opens it slowly and looks around, fearing that there might be robbers or something of the kind. He sees nothing, checking every nook and crack on his way to the back room where he had seen her. She sits in a chair weeping into her hair and hands which had become tangled together. He put his hand to her chin and moved her face to meet his. He face covered in tears. Her eyes bloodshot and her nose red.

“What is the matter? I can make it better I swear.”
She looks directly into his eyes, and scowls,
“Can you stop my mother from being dead.”

He has a look of complete sadness, his eyes begin to tear up, he tries to hold as much as it back as he can. He chokes out through silent sobs,
“I can’t.. (sob) do that...(sniff) how did she ...die?”
She looks to the floor. She wipes tears from her eyes,
“She was killed by a robber. He only wanted our valuables, which we only have a few pearls and my ring.”
She lifts her hand up, her ring is gone and a streak of blood is on her hand where he ripped it off of her. My mother lies dead in the room next to here. The police should be here soon. I called for them some time ago. He sits and holds her in his arms and rocks her gently.

The police arive soon and scour the crime scence for clues. Nothing is found, the police take her mother with them in the coroners wagon. They don’t move from the spot all night.

This is a sad time for the couple they move through their days by habit, sullen looks holding upon their face. They both wish they could cry.

Chapter 2

The King of the Gutters

“I am king of the gutters.” I smile my yellow and gold smile, “I have been for some time now. My servents are the rats, and the pigeons.” I sit on the cobblestone and throw my arms into the air. A flock of pigeons take flight and I feel at home. No worries or cares, I simply am. I am fed by the compassion for me and also the hatred. I just gave a man a crust of bread and he thanked me and moved on. I believe he lives over that a way.” he points across the street towards the bakery.

Chapter 3

A queen among kings

The king has left his queen.

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Stan Lees website. Need i say more
Jonathan A great writer who gets very little recognition over here in the states
CareerPath - Where Employers and Employees Click

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