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Chip's Photo Album. If you want to skip to a certian page in my photo album you can link to it below or go up to the address and change the page number (i.e Http://www....page1.html turns into Http://www....page7.html etc.)

This is my online photo album and other fun stuff. During the last 4 years I have done so much and taken so many pictures. So far all of these are from hiking in the Olympic Mountians. I still have 3 years of catching up to do. Thanks for visiting. I hope you enjoy my site.

Links to my other pages

My homemade map of the Olympic Penninsula coastline
The Olympics and I -Page 1
Aliye -Hiking Partner fall of 2000 -Page 2
Mora - Toleak '00 and Rialto -Pages 3-6
Sunset and Hole in the Wall -Page 6
Ozette - Cape Alava and Sand Point -Pages 7-13
Petroglyphs - Pages 8-10
Raccoons Pages 12-13
Elwah - Hurricane Ridge and the Elwah River -Pages14-19
Aliye and I -Page 16
Hoh - The Hoh River and Olympus Guard Station -Pages 20-22
Brigitte and Violet -My newest Hiking Partners
Col. Bob - Col. Bob Wilderness '02, Nat. Forest
Mora - Toleak '02 -Pages 25-30
Third Beach and Taylor Headland -Page 26
Toleak Point -Pages 27-30
Skokomish '03, hike 1 - Olympic Nat Forest -Pages 31-33
Skokomish '03, hike 2 -Pages 34-38
1979 Fiat Spider 2000, the new toy

Thank you for visiting my page. If you have questions, comments, or can help me with the confounded webpage building please e-mail me at the address found below. Please come back and visit again, it can only get better! Last Updated - 5/5/03 -I am doing a total overhaul of the page right now, and hope to finish before 2010.
