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Clan Histories

Clan Histories

(These will be updated whenever possible)


Elegant, aristocratic and regal, the Ventrue are the lords of the Camarilla. It was Clan Ventrue that provided the cornerstone of the Camarilla, and it is Clan Ventrue that directs and coaxes the Camarilla in its darkest hours. Even in the modern age, the majority of princes descend from Clan Ventrue. The Ventrue would, of course, have things no other way. In the tradition of noblesse oblige, the Ventrue must lead the other clans for their own good.

In ancient nights, Ventrue were chosen from nobles, merchant princes or other wielders of power. In modern times the clan recruits from wealthy "old-money" families, ruthless corporate climbers, and politicians. Although Ventrue move in the same social circles as the Toreador, they do not fritter away their existences in frivolity and idle chatter. The Ventrue proudly wear the privileges of leadership, and stoically bear its burdens. Thus has it always been, thus shall it always be..

Advantage: Wealth. Most Ventrue are filthy rich; even those who aren't may call on the financial aid of their clanmates. Plus they are natural born leaders

Weakness: Rarefied Tastes. Ventrue are elegant and discriminating, even when it comes to blood. Not just any blood will do for a Ventrue; but must pick one type of blood for life to feed off of.

Read Clan Ventrue History



The Toreador are called many things - "degenerates," "artistes," "poseurs," and "hedonists" being but a few. But any such mass categorization does the clan a disservice. Depending on the individual and her mood, Toreador are alternately elegant and flamboyant, brilliant and ludicrous, visionary and dissipated. Perhaps the only truism that can be applied to the clan is its members' aesthetic zeal. Whatever a Toreador does, she does with passion. Whatever a Toreador is, she is with passion.

To the Toreador, eternal life is to be savored. Many Toreadors were artists, musicians or poets in life; many more have spent frustrating centuries producing laughable attempts at art, music or poetry. Toreador share the Ventrue's love of high society, though not for them the tedium of actually running things - that's what functionaries are for, darling. Toreador know that their place is to captivate and inspire - through their witty speech, graceful deeds, and simple, scintillating existence.

Advantage: Herd. Toreador glide elegantly through nightlife and are invariably at the center of whatever social scene they choose to grace. Accordingly, Toreador attract a following of friends, acquaintances, lovers, ex-lovers, sycophants and other hangers-on. Most of these mortals are unaware their "charming friend" is a vampire. The majority are relatively worthless, but some might know useful information or have useful skills. In any event, they are useful sources of blood..

Weakness: Rapture. Toreador are lovers of the aesthetic and beautiful. When a Toreador views, hears or even smells something that is truly beautiful, become entranced by the sensation. The Toreador will stand in rapt fascination for a scene or until the beautiful thing withdraws.

Read Clan Toreador History

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