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Hallo! Ich bin Tony

It's soooooo true!!! How many times has this happened to you?

Hi all, this is Tony and I made this great webpage for all to see. I hope you find this site to be filled with interesting and relevant pictures and stories that will somehow influence your life in a positive matter. If it does not, then I have not done my job. But I'm not really getting paid for this,so who cares! Well a little about myself, I go to college in WA state and I live in Seattle. I love to run every morning and lift weights. Some sports that I like to play are tennis and basketball.I like to play guitar and also write up songs when I have a moment of inspiration. When I'm bored I also like to sit my fat ass on the couch and watch movies all day. But mostly I just study and stare at the wall. I call those "weekdays" Well That's a jist of my whole life in one paragraph.Have fun.

Yo Yo Yo it's D-Bo Funky Fry rippin the hits for my main dawg Tony. I'll be chillin here, or maybe I'll be keepin it real. It depends on my mood ya'll, so stay and kick it for awhile.Peace!!!

NEWS UPDATE:4-29-02 Today is Monday, grossssssss. Looks like another crappy week of school and work. Oh well, lets try to get through this together...

Tony's Quiz

PICTURES of Tony's Family and Friends

Funny Comics

Tony likes movies

Lyrics to songs we all can relate to


Hey all, hope you had fun looking through my webpage. Feel free to write in my guestbook or send me an e mail. Don't be too harsh though. Rememeber all this is free. It costs you nothing so don't complain to me! Well I guess you could because I am wasting your time. So do what you will and be good to each other. OK that's all for me, godspeed all...

Words of Wisdom

"The reality of a situation is never as important as the individual's perception of that reality."

" Don't ever let anyone make you miserable; because out there somewhere is someone who only wants to make you happy."

"The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes." - Benjamin Disraeli

One more thing; let me just say Dashboard Confessional is the greatest thing to happen ever. Words can not explain the feeling I get when lisenting to his music. All I know is Chris so unbelievably perfect at what he does.

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My little musical project
