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Violent Games Don't Cause Aggressive Behavior

This is the page for the "Violent Games Don't Cause Aggressive Behavior" side. Here you will find opinions and views on why games don't cause aggressive behavior. I favor this side,probably because I'm a hardcore gamer. I totally don't believe violent games influence kids to do violent acts because I havent been influenced in any way to do any violent acts myself and neither have many many many other gamers I know. I may be mean and mostly evil,but I'm not that way because of all the violent games I play. Pretty much the only type of games I play are the violent first person shooter type. Ok now enough about me,lets get to the point. Ok the first and foremost reason gamers think violent games don't cause aggressive behavior is because,contrary to many parents and politicians beliefs,we aren't stupid. All this crap those damn parents are saying about violent games is just that,a bunch of crap. We are tired of being thought of as stupid. Many of us are actually alot smarter than parents believe us to be. I am actually very smart when it comes to science. Infact,if I actually did do all of my work,I would probably have one of the highest grade in the class. But still,many parents say we gamers cant tell the difference between fantasy and reality. We know what the point of games are,and trust me,pretty much every gamer out there knows that all games are fantasy and based on fictional plots and stories. We know games are only meant for entertainment and that only. Trust me,we gamers are far from stupid. All you adults out there,we arent inferior beings so stop treating us like we are. Yes,I will admit that there are some kids out there that MAY be influenced by violent games,but those kids are extremely rare. Ya know what I think? I think parents are only blaming violent games because they never mastered those types of games themselves. I bet ya most parents out there wouldnt last more than 5 seconds in a game of Unreal Tournament or Timesplitters,both games for playstation 2. Also,those damn parents and politicians are using games ase a scapegoat for the real problems in society today. If you parents would stop wasting time blaming games for your damn mistakes then you might actually learn why your kids like violent games! Trust me,if you sat down and played a game or two with your children,you would probably learn why they like those games so much. You cant just put your kid infront of a TV and hope they turn out right,you have to play the role of a REAL parent!! Stop whining about stores using the ESRB rating system and enforcing them,monitor what your kids buy instead. If all those parents out there actually were involved in their kids life and kept them from playing the bad games you dont want,then the world would be alot better. Im tired of these parents yelling at stores and telling them to enforce the ESRB rating system. I only know like 5 parents out of the hundreds I know that actually keep their kids from playing violent games instead of yelling at stores that sell video games. Trust me,sit down and play a few games with your kids,you will totally learn why they like to play them. And stop blaming games for your mistakes. Take responsibility for your own mistakes and dont blame them on games. Face it,no matter what you do,games are here for good and they will stay that way. Even if stores do enforce the ESRB rating system,kids will still find ways to buy violent games. I leave you with those words of advice. We gamers are tired of this crap. We buy the games we want when we want and where we want. We aren't stupid so stop treating us like we are inferior to you!!!. Thats all im going to say for now because that is all there is to say. Peace im out

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