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Bigfoot Burial Site


Exposing bogus claims, Bigfoot bunk, bfro BS, & other beastly boulderdash.

PSALMS 101:7 - The Holy Bible states: "He that worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house: he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight".

Matt Moneymaker claims he is a corporate lawyer in Oxnard California. A short time ago, Mr. Moneymaker decided to enter and control the world of Bigfoot. His group is called (bfro), which soon became better known to most as BSro. Mr. Moneymaker is known for posting and spreading lies on his website. He is also known for threatening Bigfoot researchers, asserting that he is a lawyer and that he will ruin their reputations if they don't abide by his demands. He has posted malicious lies about Cliff Crook on his website. This is because he became green with jealousy over the Wild Creek Bigfoot photos owned by Cliff Crook. Mr. Moneymaker demanded that Cliff remove the Wild Creek photo from websites or else!! Or else he would post on his website that Cliff is a hoax and ruin his reputation. Mr. Moneymaker's malicious attempts to destroy the reputations and credibility of others has obliterated his own.


DO NOT ALLOW this cowardly, credibility assassin Moneymaker or his vicious pit of (bfro) labeled vipers threaten or intimidate you!! Contact Cliff Crook or the Directors of The Bigfoot Central Foundation ASAP to report any harassment(s) by Matt Moneymaker or any member of bfro (aka) BSro. If you have been threatened by (bfro) contact:

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