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Apple Valley Pathfinders

New Pictures Here!


Hello all. I don't know about you, but I am very excited about the teen retreat. We'll be leaving at 12:00pm noon from CCA. Um.. We will be riding in a van that has seats in it....Uh... I guess that's all. Oh yeah, I've updated the picture gallery but it takes a whiule to load all the pics. I can't figure out how to thumbnail the pics but I'll try to figure it out. Ok then. I'll see you on Wednesday! τΏτ Ted

The Picture Gallery!!!

Hello. As you can see, I have put in a gallery. I hope you enjoy it.

Hello all. Sorry this page has not been updated lately. We have pathfinders on Jan. 3, 2001!!! I have no clue about what we will be doing, but you need to wear you dress uniforms. As you can see, we don't have a picture gallery! That is because I don't have a scanner to scan pictures to put them online. Please e-mail me if you have a scanner so I can put some pictures on this site. Thank you. Ted τΏτ

RED ALERT!!!!Tomorrow's honor workshop is from 12-4, not 1-4. Please forgive my mistake. τΏτ Ted

Hello and happy today. Our next pathfinder activity is the honors workshop. It is from 1-4 pm on sunday with pizza and stuff afterwards. Please bring $1 for pizza cost. Also, next wendsday there is NO pathfinders due to the Thanksgiving holiday. Later, τΏτ Ted

Hello fellow person. This is the Apple Valley Pathfinders website. We don't have very many pictures but if you have a scanner it would be nice to e-mail us some pathfinder pictures that you have. FYI, next Wednsday night is squad night. That means you and your squad will be having a grand night out. That's all for now. If you have any pictures please e-mail them to me at the address at the bottom of the screen.
τΏτ Ted
